Here for You part 9: Gender Reveal

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Here for you part 9•
this part takes place the morning after emma's grad.
Beep. Beep. Beep. The noise of the hospital machine keeps going off at a steady pace. Amy rolls over and opens her eyes, confused. Jonah leans over the bed and hugs Amy.
J- Hey Ames.
A- What... what happened? Why am I here?
J- You passed out at home after the party last night. The nurses said it was caused by anxiety, which leads to a drop in blood pressure & causes you to faint. It's nothing to worry about babe.
A- Whoa... I don't remember that at all.
Jonah looks at amy and smiles.
J- That's what happens.
A- Why am i still here?
J- Just to make sure you were ok.
A- Am I?
Jonah laughs.
J- You're fine amy.
A- Why do i feel like this?
J- You're just feeling a little loopy from the meds they gave you.
Jonah gets into the bed and hugs amy.
J- You were so brave Ames.
A- I was asleep like the whole time.
J- Just take the win.
A- What about the reveal?
It takes jonah a moment to remember what amy is talking about, then he realizes that they were supposed to have a gender reveal party for the baby today.
J- We can do that another day Ames.
A- But i wanna know! I need to mentally prepare myself in case it's a boy. Once Emma leaves, i'll be in charge of watching 3 boys all day, all by myself. I can't do that Jonah!!
J- A girl is gonna be just as hard.
A- Yeah but she'll be like my little princess!!
J- We can't do it today Ames. Tomorrow. I promise.

It's now the next day, and Amy is back at home & feeling better.
J- Ready to find out??
A- I guess. What do you want it to be?
J- I don't really care but i'd love to have another boy.
A- Really? You really wanna have 3 boys running around here?
Amy laughs at Jonah.
J- I know you want a girl.
A- Of course it doesn't matter to me, but i can't handle another boy. Plus, i want some change. I have 2 boys already. And the baby will be here just after Emma leaves, and i'll want someone around here who reminds me of her.
J- Well I hope it's a girl for you babe. Have you started thinking about names?
A- I have a couple.
J- Me too.
A- Lets just wait until we know what we're having till we start worrying about that.
Time goes by, and guests start arriving, dressed in either blue and pink. Amy is wearing a pink dress, and jonah is wearing a blue t shirt.
A- Wait, did we invite people from the store?
J- Yeah we did.
A- Oh god... I better go put more makeup on.
J- Amy, you look gorgeous.
A- You might think that, but those people would judge me and tease me before all this happened. Now i'm sick and pregnant?
J- Amy, you'll be fine. I only invited Garrett & Dina, Glenn & Jerusha, and Cheyenne.
A- That's ok then.
The doorbell rings, Jonah goes to answer it and Garrett and Dina are standing at the door with a gift.
J- Hey guys!!
D- Hi!!
G- Nice house.
J- You've never been here? We've been living here for like a year now.
G- Never been invited.
Come in guys.
As they're getting settled in, Amy walks downstairs.
G- Heyyy there's the mom!
A- Hi guys.
Dina goes over to hug amy.
They catch up for a bit, and more people start coming to the door. Glenn and Jerusha come with rose, all their family is there, and there are only 2 people left before the party can officially start.
The doorbell rings again, and amy goes to the door to see Cheyenne and Bo, standing there with what looks like a used baby car seat, both dressed in blue.
Amy pauses.
A- Hi guys... What's this?
B- An old baby car seat man!! You can use it to put your baby in so it doesn't die when you drive!! * air horn sounds*
Cheyenne looks at Bo before answering.
C- What he said...
A- Thanks for coming guys.
Emma stands up and gets everyone's attention.
E- Okay, if there's pink confetti in the balloon it's a girl and if it's blue it's a boy. Pretty straight forward, right? 
Everyone nods.
E- I went to get the balloon filled, so I actually know what it is.
A- EMMA!! I told you to get someone else to!!
E- I couldn't help it!!  And plus, I like knowing, it's fun seeing you and jonah wonder what it is.
Amy looks at Jonah. Dina looks at Emma, trying to read her face.
D- Damn, she's got an intense resting bitch face. I wonder where she got that from?
Amy jokingly gives Dina a death stare as she struggles to get off the couch. Jonah helps her up, and they both grab a pin to pop the balloon with. Everyone counts down from 3, and they pop the balloon. Amy jumps up a bit, startled by the sound, as pink confetti fills the living room.
Amy turns to jonah smiling and gives him a hug, as he picks her up and everyone claps. Emma runs in for a hug too, holding the babies.
J- We're having a girl!!
E- Did i do a good job hiding it?
A- According to Dina you did. Love you Em.
E- Love you too.
Amy turns to carter who's in Emma's arms.
A- You're gonna be a big brother!! 
The party is going well and everyone's pretty happy, when cheyenne goes over to Amy.
C- Hey, can i talk to you for a sec?
A- Of course Cheye. What's up?
C- Well first- I'm so happy for you!! Baby number 4!!
A- Thank you!! I can't believe it.
C- Me either, i've known you since you had one kid. Now you're gonna have 4!!
Amy smiles at Cheyenne.
C- So- I don't really know how to tell him this... but I think it's time to end things with Bo.
A- What?? Why??
C- He's awesome, but i feel like he's just too... I feel like i'm sorta outgrowing him. He was fun for a while and i'm so happy we were a couple because he gave me my baby, but i don't know if i could continue being with him. I wanna have another baby soon, but i just don't think he's the right guy. What do you think?
A- Well, If that's how you feel than it's the right thing to do Cheye.
C- Yeah... also, i feel like now that she's growing up, she can understand us better now and she might start taking after him.
A- I get it.
C- How do i tell him?
A- Just be honest, but not too honest.
Cheyenne laughs at Amy.
C- Thanks Amy. I came to you because before you moved to california you said i could ask you anything & call you anytime. I felt bad to because of what's going on, But i really didn't know what to do.
A- Aww No problem Cheyenne. I'm always here.
Amy hugs cheyenne and she goes back to see Bo, and amy can tell that she's ending it. After about 10 minutes, Cheyenne looks at amy and mouths 'thank you' from across the room.

3 Hours later~
Everyone is gone, and Jonah and Amy are laying in bed.
J- So, it's a girl!!
A- I can't believe it.
J- So can we talk about names now?
A- I guess we have to.
J- I was thinking mya, chloe, kate, or lily.
A-  aww Those are pretty!! I only really have one...
J- What is it?
A- Erica.
J- Erica. It's cute.
A- It's okay if you don't like it.
J- How'd you think of that?
A- I don't know. It's just pretty, and it starts with E, like Emma.
J- That's the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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