Chapter 7

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The blazing sun shined directly into the Black Lake, reflecting off the water and into my room through the large, transparent windows. Light flooded through every corner in my entire dorm, forcing me to wake from my sleep. I lay awake in my bed, pondering upon everything that happened the night before. I replayed the moment over and over again in my head, each scenario being better than the last. The confession, the kiss- it all remained vivid in my memory. The kiss. I still tasted where his lips met mine, and I could not stop smiling.

It all felt impossible to process through my mind that I was now dating Harry. Harry and I? Who would ever guess? Even I never would have guessed. While one part of me sort of found it obvious that he had feelings for me, the other part of me was oblivious to it all. I should have known Harry liked me, but who is one to judge another's emotions?

Everything about last night was marvelous. It was all so difficult to comprehend yet joyful to think of. And as I was getting dressed, it was all I could think about.

Once I finished getting dressed, I decided I would go rest in the common room for a few minutes. You know, these last few months of school have been notably exhausting, for I have been staying up late at night studying for exams and writing essays. I was getting answers from Hermione, but she has decided that for now on I should learn to do things on my own.

The Slytherin common room appeared to have been completely deserted of all except for one person- Draco. Then the thought hit me. How would Draco even react to me and Harry? Would he abandon me? Would he accept my decision? Draco can be a difficult person sometimes and you may never know what he will do next. However, I could not keep it from him forever, for he would eventually find out on his own which would be ten times worse. On that certain morning, however, I could not seem to find the courage to break the news to him. My mind then began to wonder just a bit too far. Would he call me out in front of the entire school? Would he make fun of me constantly? Overthinking was something I did quite often, and I did it well though it was unnecessary. I mean- I am obviously not frightened by Draco. What was there to be nervous about? But the situation felt different, and I could not find any other word to describe it. Perhaps it is because I am dating Draco's worse rivalry. But there he sat on the couch all alone. He rested, leaning over with his elbows on his knees. He stared down at the floor beneath him and appeared to have no interest in anything. I could only help but wonder what troubled his mind. All I ever did was wonder. Curiosity may drive you to places you never wanted to discover in the first place. As for me, I did not care how far out my curiosity took me. I only followed.

I slowly made my way over to where Draco sat and took a seat next to him. He did not look at me right away. It was almost as if he already knew it was me. Was it the sound of my footsteps? Was it the way I moved? Or had he known I had been there all along?

"Hey," I finally said.

I observed Draco and watched his every movement. His eyes looked up then back down to his folded hands. He blinked once. Twice. I watched. I observed. I wanted to know exactly what he was thinking. Not all thoughts are spoken through words.


He still did not look my way.

"Is everything alright?"

Draco sat upright in his place, his back leaned against the velvet, green couch. His eyes searched the surrounding area. I realized I must have interrupted some deep thoughts. His eyes searched anonymously until they landed on me.



"I asked if you were alright."

"I'm fine," he said and looked away.

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