Chapter 18

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"Well that's great, isn't it? You won't have to live with your parents ever again!" exclaimed Harry.

"Well yes..."

"Unless that's a bad thing-." said Harry, his thankful outward look changing once he thought he had said something wrong.

"No! I mean yes it's a miracle that I won't have to live with my parents, but I now have to live with my godparents," I replied, disappointed.

Harry took a mental note to himself of the way I said godparents.

"Do you know who your godparents are?"

I knew for a fact Harry was not going to appreciate my answer. Instead, I let the silence remain between us as I mentally prepared myself for his reaction.

"The Malfoy's," I spoke under my breath.

"Pardon me?"

"Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy," I spoke louder, my eyes casted downwards towards the ground.

I couldn't bring myself together to meet his eyes. However, I did notice that it took him a moment to process what I had just said.

"The Malfoy's?" he questioned, though he had heard me loud and clear, "You mean, you are going to have to live with Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes, but I can't choose who I stay with. The court apparently does."

"Well, it can't be that bad, can't it?"

"Maybe not. It will be better than my previous living conditions. Much better. Also, Kasper will be there, so he will set Malfoy straight."

"I trust Kasper to take care of you. I'm just glad you are getting out of there."

"Me too. It all just happened so fast. One moment I was just living life as usual, and the next, I was made aware that my parents were being locked away."

"You know, if I could I would let you come live with me, but I don't think Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would enjoy that," said Harry as he gave a weak laugh.

"I understand. If I had a better living situation, I would let you come live with me instead of you having to live with your aunt and uncle."

I understood a little too well. I was way too familiar with living in an abusive household. Harry and I both shared that knowledge.

Only a few are lucky enough to escape. I only hope Harry can one day.

I carefully laid my head on Harry's shoulder and he put his arm around me. We both sat on the same red velvet sofa in the room we had found on that one particular day. Ever since we have found this room, Harry and I have spent most of our free time in here... together. I loved it when it was just the two of us. We played chess, talked for hours, and sometimes just sat and did nothing. Each other's company was enough entertainment for the both of us.

Later on, we figured out that this room is called the Room of Requirements. Apparently, the room changes based on what you need at the moment.

I owed Pansy a massive apology.

Both Harry and I sat in silence and listened to the soft music in the background which played on the record player. The record player sat in front of us on the coffee table.

What would I ever do without Harry? I did not want to know. I knew Harry and I were never going to leave one another. We have been together for almost three months now. We were dangerously in love with each other, yet we were okay with it. We were in the deep end and never appearing above the surface. I have never felt love such as this before. I remember I used to be drained of emotion and closed off to the people around me. I never felt I was ever capable of loving anyone. However, Harry showed me what true love feels like. He gave his love to me freely. To me out of all people? I never imagined any of this in a million years. His eyes sparkled, his smile warmed me on the inside, and his mere existence filled me with butterflies. I craved his affection. No one else's but Harry's arms wrapped around me. I long every day I'm not with him; to see him, to hear his voice, to hold his hand, to lay my head on his shoulder. How could one boy make me feel this way?

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