Chapter 45

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It was now the day of June 24th, 1995, the day when the last task of the Triwizard Tournament was to take place. The whole school was in a frenzy about this event, rushing to the stands to claim their seats to be able to watch it all go down. Kasper, Blaise, and I made our way through the bustling field with excitement. We saw many students working the concession stands, and several others participating in mini games.

Today was such a remarkable day for skipping school. The unforgiving sun beamed down on us, scorching the area with its heat rays. A soft wind playfully breezed through the air, causing the green grass to sway at its command. The sky had a clear, blue appearance, completing the look of a beautiful, sunny day. Magic also floated in the air, as it usually does at Hogwarts, yet today it was more prominent.

"Do you guys want some popcorn?" suggested Kasper, eyeing a concession stand which was selling all kinds of snacks.

"I'll take some," replied Blaise. "Holly?"

"I'm alright," I said, fixing my camera in order to capture some memories that day.

Kasper and Blaise left to buy some popcorn, and I looked up to suddenly catch Draco's eye amongst the talkative and jubilant crowd. We both slowly started inching closer to each other, never breaking eye contact. The noise seemed to drown out around us as we finally stood face to face.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" asked Draco.

For a moment, I recognized as he eyed the familiar necklace around my neck.

"Quite so," I replied happily. "After all, it is a beautiful day. Plus, we aren't stuck in Transfiguration class."

"Indeed," agreed Draco.

"Well, would you like to sit with me, Kasper, and Blaise?"

"I mean- sure. If they are comfortable with it."

I smiled brightly, leading Draco to the two boys, who were caught stuffing handfuls of popcorn into their mouths.

When I returned, something in Kasper and Blaise's expression switched once they saw who accompanied me.

"May Draco join us?" I requested.

"Since when-"

"Long story," Kasper intervened into Blaise's sentence.

"Is that a yes?" I pleaded.

Draco remained awkwardly still behind me, debating if whether or not he was welcome.

I feared they would decline my offer, yet an unexpected response came instead.

"Maybe a second chance will do you some good," suggested Blaise.

Draco beamed at this response, and we all had a lovely time for the rest of the time being.

The event was to take place in a matter of fifteen minutes. Everyone rushed to the stands to find a seat, me and the three boys included.

"What about here?" Kasper suggested, pointing to a row of four, empty seats.

That was where we claimed our seats. Draco and I sat next to each other, Kasper sat next to me, and Blaise sat next to Kasper.

The large stands were quickly filled with an overflowing amount of people, and the stands also faced a rather massive maze, which stretched into the horizon and seemed to have a never-ending distance. Towards the bottom of the stands, the Hogwarts band played music with their instruments. Numerous lively conversations lingered in the atmosphere, and the four competing contestants were preparing themselves to enter the maze.

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