Chapter 34

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I entered into the Slytherin common room, only to find Kasper and Blaise playing a game of chess amongst a group of people who were doing other things such as studying and completing homework.

"Oh, hey Holly," said Blaise as he made his next move on the chess board.

"Holly!" remarked Kasper gladly. "Have you heard-"

My countenance was exceedingly and noticeably troubled. Kasper rose from his seating place on the couch when he saw my condition. As he did so, his knee accidentally collided with the coffee table where the chess board was setting, knocking over all the pieces off the board.

Kasper cursed under his breath. "So sorry for ruining our current game of chess. I will be right back."

"Let's just restart," Blaise suggested as he and three other boys helped picked up the chess pieces.

"Let me guess," said Kasper as he approached me. "Malfoy made you upset."

"It wasn't Malfoy," I stated, defeat in my voice. "It was Harry."

Kasper paused, hesitant on what to say next.

"Hey, how about you come play chess with us. Or you can spectate if you prefer that... take your mind of things?"

I thought about storming up to my dorm and drowning in my own tears, but I found it hard to decline Kasper's offer. He seemed like he wanted help, and perhaps I could use the distraction.

"Sure," I gave in.

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