Chapter 4: Familiar Voices (Last Part)

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Valerian Blanche's POV

"Thank you again so much, Ms. Blanche. I must go now." Mr. Wilson said while he is holding his hat trying to adjust it on his head.

"No problem at all, you're welcome." I replied while nodding.

When Mr. Wilson left my property, I was about to go back on the couch, but then there is a sudden telephone call, I went to the phone to pick it up.

"..Hello?" I said, but there was silence for a while.

"Um.. Hello?" I said once again hoping to break the silence.

After a few seconds, the person from the other line finally responds.

"Y.. Yes Hello, is the delivery man still there? I forgot to ask him something about the package." The man said in a Russian accent, this must be Mr. Wilson's customer from Russia.


His voice, It sounds so familiar..

He sounds exactly like that boy from the swings from my dream earlier.

"..Burton?" I asked out of the blue and I realized what I just said.

What the hell?! I did not just- Ah what was I thinking? It can't be him. But there is really something about his voice.

"Sorry?" The man said in a confused tone.

Great, what have I done? I hold my head because of the embarrassment I did there..

"I.. Oh-.. Sorry, I thought-, Anyways, I'm sorry, the delivery man already left. He just borrowed my phone to call you because his phone died. Would you like me to approach him? He hasn't left yet because his van is still around our street." I said while having a hard time explaining..

But I can't move on, or maybe he just sounds like that. I don't even know if that boy from my dream exists. But I..

I feel like we have a connection.

Now I can only hear silence, did I creeped him out? Oh God, what have I done?

"Um, Sir? Are you still there?" I said trying to know if he is still on the line.

"Ah, yes, sorry. Anyway, it's alright you don't need to do that. I can wait until tomorrow. Sorry to bother you." He said in a nice tone, and for some reason it made me smile.

Damn, I should stop, I look like a total creep by now..

"Oh no, It's totally alright. I mean that's your package. It sounds very important to you, I understand." I said to make him sure that everything is fine.

"Well you are right, Tho it's not my package it's actually for my Father. Unfortunately, he is not here,  that's why I have to handle it." He explained.

"Oh, I see, well just give me a call, Mr. Wilson the delivery man just lives here from the street I'm living in." I said while being truly kind.

"Oh, thank you so much, Miss..?" He asked to know what he should call me.

I don't know why. He just asked what to call me and my heart just started to race, what is this?

"Blanche, It's Blanche." I said while smiling softly.

"Okay Ms. Blanche, Thank you so much again." He said in a soft tone.

"No problem.. Have a good day." I said.

"You too.." The man said on the other line, then our call ended.

I leaned onto the wall next to where we place the telephone, why does my face feel hot in a good way? what is this feeling in my stomach?

Jesus!! What am I saying to myself?! It's just a simple phone call.

Or maybe there is something else.. It's his voice that is stuck in my thoughts and especially in my head, he also sounds like a teenager, is he at my age?

Goodness, why do I need to know that?! 

It's just a dream, It's not real..

I put my hands on my face, I have so many questions, and I want them to be answered, I've never felt this way before. It just all started when I started to hallucinate, blackout and dream.

But this feeling right now..

It feels good and calming, is it Love?

But I never meet that boy yet from my dream nor I don't know if he exists.

But could it be?

The boy from my dream is Burton?


Victor Blanche's POV

I feel so furious, this man from Russia. He is going to steal my company, and all he can say is that it's a big misunderstanding. He said so many lies to me and its filling in my head like its about to burst.

"What is wrong with you?! Are you really trying to take everything from me?!" I yelled from the phone call with Brahms. Brahms Burton, that selfish bastard.

"Listen, Victor, I have no idea what you are talking about. You are wasting my time, you probably just got that news from a false rumor. It's hard these days you know?" Brahms said acting all innocent. But he is obviously lying.

"Silence!! Why are you acting so innocent?! When your people came here they told me that you are going to take over my property!!" I said furiously while I can't stop walking around my office while I'm in this stupid call. I can't believe you Brahms.

"I'm sorry Victor, But I must go. I have a business to do." Brahms said.

"No! You are not leaving me ha-" My sentence was cut when I heard he ended the call.

I was so angry that I threw the phone somewhere in my office while I let out a swear word coming from my mouth.

I went to the cabinet where I use to keep all my liquor and sat down on my office chair.

I poured the liquor on my shot of glass and started to drink.

I can't lose everything that I have, what about my daughter Val..

First I lost my lovely wife Vanessa, now I can't lose my company especially my daughter.

I really did not expect that Brahms is doing this to me, he was my best friend since our college life. Now everything is a big wreck. A mess.

I will do everything.

I will travel with my daughter to Russia this month.

I'm not letting Brahms's chance to take everything from me, Not a chance.

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