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The cold wind hits my face as I sit outside of the hotel room, glancing around the wooded hallways and inspecting the small splinters that poke out of the planks in the floor.

I slump onto the wooded floor having my against the cool hotel wall. "There's too many emotions going on. Too many i'm feeling at once." I whisper to myself.

I pick up my haori and decide to go look deeper into the snowy night for a demon. Kocho is knocked out cold after her shift of staying up and watching for a demon. I walk out the door, slipping my shoes on before I hit the ground running.

I begin using my breathing technique to calm my own mind down and listen and look for any sort of evidence of a demon.

I feel a snowflake dance on my nose as I continue running into the night.

As I get closer to the forest, I sense a demon, as I draw my sword, the demons pops out of the ground and in one slash he is slain, five more preceded to pop it and I slay them as well.

I then feel an aura almost crush me, as I draw my blade, I look up to see a demon similar height to me, with blonde hair, and rainbow eyes.

Holy shit can I get a break? I mean I just killed 6 demons and know I have to run from upper moon 2? Awesome!

After my short internal monologue, I hear the upper moon say "Hello friend! You are resilient and quite strong! Too bad i'll be taking your pretty head off!"

He then proceeds to fire ice shards at me, one hitting my lower torso and burning my skin.

I tell my crow to go alert Shinobu and evacuate everyone before things get to crazy and many people die.

I'll have to hold him off as long as possible.

I wake up to cawing from that damn crow, he screams and shouts about how everyone needs to be evacuated ASAP, so I jump out of bed and slide my clothes on as I run up and down the hotel alerting everyone.

As soon as I am done with evacuating everyone in the hotel, I go door by door to get everyone else outside of the town, before I run off to find Giyuu.

After running and running for what felt like hours, I find a blood trail that leads into the forest. I sprint in to find Giyuu, in a standoff against-holy shit that's the demon who killed my sister.

I feel rage and anger pulsate through my body as I go to swing my sword and cut of his head. I swing it, and connect with his neck, positing him with my sword.

The bastard stumbles back into a tree; writhing from pain and hissing. I feel someone grab me as I look down.

It's Tomioka, he spits out of his mouth with only a bit of remaining energy "Lets go, if we fight this we die."

I kick Tomioka in the stomach and exclaim "I am not leaving this fight Tomioka" That is the pathetic demon who killed my sister! He shall suffer and pay for what he has done to her and me!"

Tomioka, responds as cold as the ice implanted in him "Shinobu, we can fight this later, I refuse to let you die here tonight, it doesn't make sense, let's go."

As he says this I can feel my blood boil even more, because of this longer discussion, the sun begins to rise and we hear upper moon two shout "YOUR SISTER TASTED DELICIOUS BUTTERFLY GIRL! AND WATER BOY I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU!"

I proceed to run back over in the direction that I heard the upper moon shout from.

I feel something jerk my hand back.

Its Tomioka's hand.

I snatch my hand away from him and kick him in the stomach. He bleeds a little from the mouth from the injuries he endured from the fight.


He replies coldly with "I did it to protect you, i'm sorry it had to turn out this way."

This was the last line I remembered before I felt a hand strike my pressure point on my shoulder, and felt my body go limp, and my mind go unconscious.

heyo! sorry for a two long month delay i never expected it to be that long :( school and life got me all sorts of just bleh. thank you all for reading! next chapter will be even better, hope you all have a good day much love

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