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ChatNoir tried to use his baton to pry Stoneheart's hand open. "Hurting a lady, that's stone cold."

Marigold wrapped her arms around ChatNoir's neck. With one pull ChatNoir saved her from the monster grasp.

"Is the princess not going to give her prince a kiss?" He asked leaning into Marigold. His kwami did say he needed true loves kiss to get the ring off. He wasn't in love with her nor did he know if he even liked her but, it didn't hurt to try.

"Honey, I'm a Queen." She teased flicking his nose.

"Animal cruelty? How shameful, your highness."

"Enough flirting pretty boy, let's get down to business."

ChatNoir couldn't resist to sing part of a lyrics. "TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!"

Marigold glared at him. Of course he was a Disney fanatic. "Shut up and let's kick his rocky ass."

"I think if I did that I'd break my foot."

"You're the reason that the blonde stereotype exist."

"Yah, that's pretty on the nose."

"You know how to use your power right?" She asked as she watched Stoneheart leave the courtyard.

"It's destruction. That's all I know."

"You say Cataclysm an-"

ChatNoir said the same word. His right hand was surrounded by a black light.

"And you only have five minutes before you transform back. Didn't your kwami explain anything to you?"

"I guess I was a little excited about my new life."

"Don't touch anything. You'll destroy whatever you'll touch."

"I showed you mine now you have to show me your's" He teased as he held his hand up in the air as this was the only logical thing he could of to prevent himself from touching anything.

"I can stun people."

"Of course you can. Have you seen yourself. You're absolutely stunning."

"Cheeky kitty." She said as she wrapped her spin top around his waist and stole his baton. "Can't let you touch anything."

She wrapped the other end of the spin top string around her waist with a bit of lag. She used the baton to travel to Stoneheart's location dragging ChatNoir along for the ride. They caught up with the beast at the football stadium.

"You okay kitty?" She asked as his hair was fluffed up by the journey.

He leaned to her as she untied the spin top. "It's ChatNoir."

Stoneheart threw a football net at the two. ChatNoir tried to protect Marigold by catching the net.

"No, don't do that!" Marigold yelled but it was too late. The net evaporated into black particles before them."It wouldn't of hurt us. It was just a net. You only get one shot to use your power."

"I didn't know that."

"We need to break the object the.." She made a quick decision or whether she was looking for an Amok or an Akuma. "Akuma is hiding."

"He's made entirely out of stone."

"Its in his right hand. He never opens it. It's like the Russian dolls."

"So what's your plan?"

Marigold spotted Alya being carried into the battle field by Scarlett Lady. Marigold cupped her hands to yell at Ladybug Miraculous Wielder. "HEY BLONDIE SAY LUCKY CHARM!!"

Scarlett Lady folded her arms in protest of being told what to do. Alya felt bad for the other two heroes so she convinced Scarlett Lady to say Lucky Charm which gave her a odd colored wet suit.

Marigold looked at ChatNoir. "That's step 1. Might as well start step 2." She grabbed a hose that was used to clean the field. "Don't resist." She slid her finger down his chest just to rile him up. She tied the hose to him with her spin top.

Scarlett Lady chucked a red wetsuit that was covered in black spots at Marigold. She hooked the suit up to the hose. "Do you trust me?" She asked him as she held the end of his tail belt.

"Is it something a sane person would do?"

"No, not at all." She said before swinging ChatNoir at Stoneheart. Stoneheart caught the cat themed hero.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, BOULDER BOY!!" Marigold taunted as she ran towards the tap. "Venom!" She said activing her power. She waited until Stoneheart reach down to grab her and she stung the beast freezing him in place.

"You're crazy!" ChatNoir laughed as Marigold turned on the tap to free her comrade. The water inflated the suit forcing Stoneheart to open his hand.

Marigold picked up a piece of paper, the item that Stoneheart held onto for dear life. ChatNoir cocked his head. "All that for paper. That's tear-able."

"You're right." Marigold said as she ripped it in half. "It's quite tear-able."
A black butterfly with a purple essence emerged from the tear. "I WAS RIGHT."

Stoneheart turned back into Ivan who had no recollection of what was going on.

"You were right?" ChatNoir questioned as she seemed quite proud of a black butterfly sprouting out of nowhere.

"I thought it could be an Amok or an Akuma. Took a gamble."

ChatNoir smiled. "You are crazy."

"Pound it?" She asked as she held out her fist. He gladly fist bumped her.

"Pound it!" He responded when his fist made contact with hers.

Ivan looked at the two heroes. "What's going on? What am I doing here?"

Marigold looked at Ivan then at ChatNoir. "Handle this." She grabbed her spin top and the wet suit before she  headed  towards Scarlett Lady and Alya. "Blondie use your yo-yo and capture that butterfly, quickly."

"Why should I?"

"Because if you don't I'll rip those earrings off your pretty little ears and do your job for you." Marigold threatened dismissing the fact that she was being recorded.

"Rude!" Scarlett Lady said before capturing the butterfly and releasing it back but it changed to white.

Marigold handed Scarlett Lady the wet suit. "Now throw this and say Lucky Charm."

"Really? I said it once isn't that enough."

Marigold grabbed Scarlett Lady by the ear. "OUCH! I understand." Marigold released Scarlett Lady to let her throw the suit into the air and shout "Lucky Charm!" Which restored all the items effected by the Miraculouses.

"See that wasn't so hard." Marigold smiled.

Alya thought that Marigold was quite mean compared to Scarlett Lady. She may have stood on the sidelines but at least she didn't hurt her fellow superheroes.

While Marigold was busy with Scarlett  Lady, ChatNoir was reading the paper that had been restored by magic. "You haven't even got the guts to tell Mylène you love her, wuss."

Ivan grabbed the paper from ChatNoir. "Kim wrote that. He's always making fun of me."

"You know, you shouldn't get so bent out of shape about that. There's no shame in telling someone you like them. My only suggestion is don't tell them you love them at first."


Marigold could hear ChatNoir's Miraculous beep. "You should get going, Kitty. Our identities must remain secret."

ChatNoir took her hand and kissed it gently. "~I guess our story is to bee continued, your highness."

"~Next time bring me flowers."

Alya attempted to question the other two heroes but she was stuck with Scarlett Lady. "Are you gonna be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive Ladybug? Oh, I've got a lot more questions to ask you, Scarlett Lady."

"I guess, accessories, eww gross." Lady Scarlett replied to the amateur reporter.

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