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Marinette saw Ivan sitting on the floor by his locker. His headphones were on the highest setting as she could hear Avenged Sevenfold muffled through his headphones. She sat next to him and laid her hand on his shoulder gaining his attention.

"Are you okay? I know everyone is blaming you for everything but it's not your fault."

Ivan didn't say anything but appreciated Marinette's kindness. He just wished she was a different girl and Marinette knew that. He had his eyes set on a short, pear-shaped, doe-eyed girl. She was timid, liked to read, and was sort of a loner like Ivan was.

"You know girls appreciate flowers, chocolates, or a poem. She'd probably like a romantic cliché." Marinette attempted to be the wing-woman for she thought Mylène and Ivan were a good match.

"I could… write her a song?"

"There ya go you big lug! What girl wouldn't want a love song written especially for her? Go for it!" She just wished he put as much effort into his hygiene as he did romantic endeavors.

She then followed him into Miss Bustier's classroom.

"This is your seat, Adrikins," Chloé said as she pointed to the empty spot next to Nino. "Right in front of me."

Adrien offered his hand to Nino for a handshake. "My name is Adrien."

"Nino." He replied accepting the handshake. "You're friends with Chloé, then, huh?"

Adrien noticed Chloe and Sabrina put gum on a seat. "Really?" Adrien questioned as Chloe was quite skilled in pranks and something simple as putting gum on someone's seat seemed below her.

"Don't worry. She just needs a little attitude adjustment."

"Why do you think this is necessary?"

"You've got a lot to learn about school culture, Adrikins."

Marinette walked in witnessing the blonde model kneeling by her seat. She assumed that he was placing gum on her seat a tradition that Chloe did every year.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Uhhh… I…"

Marinette could hear Chloe and Sabrina's snicker in their precious seats.

"Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny."

"No, no, I was just trying to take this off!" He protested.

She glared up at him. Due to their size difference, she was practically a mouse threatening a cat. "Oh, really?" Chloe and Sabrina's snickers turned into full-blown cackles at the sight. "You're friends with Chloé, right?"

"Yeah, so?" He said unintentionally puffing out his chest to look more intimidating.

She huffed as she grabbed a tissue and removed the gum herself. "I believe this is yours." She said smashing the A.B.C. (Already Been Chewed) gum into his hand.

Adrien's nose curled at the gesture. He threw away the gum and headed to his seat. "Now do you see what I mean about demanding respect?" Chloe added.

Alya leaned over to whisper to Marinette. "Daddy's boy needs an attitude adjustment."

"I want to knock him down a few pegs but is he really worth the effort?"

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