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Marinette rushed home. "MOM! PAPA! ARE YOU BOTH OKAY?"

"We're fine." Her father reassured as he peeked his head out from. The back of the bakery. They had closed early do to the monster attack. Tom took  this as an opportunity to clean the oven. "Did you get cold feet?"

"No. Worse much worse."

"Cupcake, what's the matter?" Tom said as he came to consult his distraught daughter.

"I lost the Ladybug Miraculous."

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes. "Well, at least you can only do better from here."

"Thanks, Papa." She said needing words of encouragement before facing her Grandfather.

"Take some pastries." He handed his daughter a box of assorted pastries. Hoping that Master Fu would not scold Marinette too harshly. "I'll tell Sabine, you deal with Wang Fu." He now had the pleasure of telling Sabine that their daughter had lost the Ladybug Miraculous.

Marinette grabbed her father's old bike that she avoided using since it needed a new chain but it was the fastest way to get to her grandfather's. She pedaled nearly crashing into the debris caused by the rampaging monster.

Her grandfather lived on land that was registered as a historical landmark by France officials. The land possessed an Asian temple with living courters, a training ground, a lake, a koi pond and a garden. Hardly anyone visited since it was hidden behind large old stone walls, cherry blossom trees, and a well guarded gate.

Marinette always felt like she stepped into a different time period when she visited. She was greeted by her grandfather's warden, Luka who kept up with the many chores around the temple and help Master Fu with navigating the modern world. Luka had far more patience then Marinette did when it came to Master Fu's stubbornness. "Good afternoon, little Mouse." He said as he brushed leaves off the dirt pathways.

"Yah, hi." She said darting into the temple heading straight for the tea room.  "I lost the Ladybug Miraculous, need the Cat Miraculous ASAP."

Master Fu sipped his tea with disappointment. "You lost the Ladybug Miraculous? And you now want me to hand you the Cat Miraculous?"

"YES! It's an emergency."

"I can't give you the Cat Miraculous." He pulled out the Miracle box that contained only twelve Miraculouses for the Ladybug, Cat, Butterfly, Peacock, Rabbit, Turtle, and Snake Miraculouses were either lost or equipped by trusted
holders. "However, you can choose any of these."

"You lost three Miraculouses and I can't--" She stared at the place in where the Cat Miraculous should be. "Where is it? This must be some mistake."

"Not important. Choose a Miraculous or I'm sending Luka out." He said as he had started training Luka on the Snake Miraculous when he stumbled upon the Miracle Box during cleaning.

"Fine." She grabbed the Bee Miraculous knowing that she could stun the Akuma or Amok if the monster was indeed caused by the Butterfly or Peacock Miraculous. She put the bee hair comb behind one of her pigtails.

A yellow Kwami with black stripes, a white tuff around her neck, sclera the color of lapis and pupils the color of the purest gold was the Bee Miraculous's Kwami. Her name was Pollen and she was quite excited."My Queen thank you for choosing me to aid you on your journey. "

"We're the only ones that can stop him." Marinette said as she patted the Kwami's head with her index finger. "Pollen, BUZZ ON!!"

She ran out knowing that she need to get to the stone Monster as soon as possible. She wouldn't be able to fix it's damage without the Ladybug Miraculous but she could attempt to prevent him from causing anymore harm.

Wayzz looked at his Master. "Do you think she'll be able to defeat him, Master?"

"She only lost one Miraculous. It will never happen again. At least I hope not."

"You taking this better then I thought, Master."

"It's because I can finish my tea, eat these treats while I think of a punishment thats suitable for losing the Ladybug Miraculous. Prehaps skimming algea off the lake or patching the stone fences? I could just hand her the list I have for Luka and tell her to get it done in a day."

"That's a week worth of chores. That's a little cruel, Master."

"Cruel is if I have her face her punishment when she has school the next day which isn't a terrible idea."

"Master." Wayzz whined as he internally apologized to Marinette for giving his Master such an idea.

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