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Outside of Collège Françoise Dupont, a blonde seventeen year old dressed in a white dress shirt and a designer sweater attempted to escape his father's watch. However, his father, Gabriel Agreste sent his personal assistant, Natalie to persuade his mind.

"Adrien, please reconsider! You know what your father wants!" She states hoping that he would realize his father only wants the best for his beloved son.

"This is what I wanna do." Adrien replied back. He was tried of being unable to discover the world for himself. He ran up the steps of the school with his messenger bag in hand. The bag was filled to the brim with pencils, notebooks, folders, and other items he needed to fully prepare for the adventure of public education.

He stopped midway second-guessing himself. "Can I really do this?" He asked himself before noticing a old man in a gaudy red shirt fall on the sidewalk. Adrien even know he was in a middle of what seemed more like a screaming match then a conversation took it upon himself to walk back down the steps to help the elderly man back to his feet.

"Thank you, young man." The old man said wondering if he should walk with a cane of some sort. "Would you believe this is my second time falling today?" He added only to be ignored by Adrien, who was still arguing with Natalie.

"I just wanna go to school like everybody else. What's so wrong with that?" He told Natalie who seemed to only listen to want his father wanted. Adrien could not exactly blame her for doing the job she was paid to do but he always thought it would be nice if someone was on his side. "Please don't tell my father about all this." Adrien knew that his father would cancel his next fencing lesson if he found out Adrien had argued with Natalie. Fencing was his stress reliever so he wouldn't emotionally snap from all the pressure of fame, fortune, and his father.

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