Chapter 1 - A "stranger" at the ballet

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Aphmaus POV:

December 9th 20xx

Feeling a sense of warmth walking into the theater, considering it was snowing outside, it felt nice walking into the theater lobby. We were all here for A show. The nutcracker. Nicole was performing there as a dancer, Zane and Nana had invited everyone to watch her dance in the show. It took a bit of convincing, And a bit of arguing.. But the kids have finally agreed to go, and when I mean by kids I mean Alexander. Taking my coat off and adjusting it to my arm. Trying to find Zane and Nana in the crowded lobby. Alina, had pointed out where they were and dashed over there. "I can't with that girl sometimes.." Aaron said holding on to my hand tightly. I chuckled and we made our way over to Zane and Nana. "Aphmau! Glad you could make it." Nana said pulling me into a hug. "I am glad to, this whole thing is so exciting! How is Nicole feeling?" I say pulling away from the hug "oh she's doing just fine, she's excited. Oh I am so happy I get to see her dance." Nana said with a bright smile. "I am sure you are!" I say smiling back. We continue to chat as we wait for everyone else to get here, Garroth, Laurence, Travis, and Katelyn. Sadly Melissa and Lucinda couldn't make it.

"-and then this is him as a 2 year old." Garroth said showing Ariana a couple of cute baby pictures of His kid as she stares in awh. It was cute watching her look at the pictures and ask more questions with Garroth answering in a playful way. Looking around the lobby of the theater there were people walking around, walking into the theater so they could go to there seats early. Near the doors there were these big windows that covered half of the wall. Outside it was snowing.. snow.. usually I would be happy about snow, I mean who wouldn't? It was so fun to play in, making snow angels, snow men, and all sorts of cool stuff you could do. But then.. the lodge.. I started to get anxious thinking about it. The lodge, the potion, me hurting Aaron.. ei-

"Mom?" My thoughts of the lodge were interrupted by Alina. "Hm? Oh yes honey?" I say snapping back into reality. "You ok?" She said in a worried tone. "Yes honey I am fine." I say reassuring her that I was ok. "Ok, also.. some little girl keeps staring at me for some reason.." she said turning her head towards the direction of the little girl. I turn as well, seeing a little wear wolf girl talking to her what I believe is her dad. She had Long black hair that was wavy at the ends with a half up half down style with a bow in the back of her hair. She was Wearing a baby pink dress with lace on the collar, the puff of the sleeves and at the trim of the dress. There was a redish pinkish dark ribbon tide around her waist and at the back was a bow. She was wear white tights with what seemed to look like Mary Janes, holding her coat with her arm. She looked cute in her little outfit, no idea why she was staring at Alina though..

"Oh, well it looked like she stopped, honey." I say looking back at her. "Oh alright- Oop wait there she goes again." Alina said in a annoyed tone looking back at the girl, who was, again staring back at her. I turn my head again. Making eye contact with her. Her eyes widened as she looked away. I could now see a good glimpse of the person she was with, he was tall, had black hair, he was also a wear wolf... wait.. as I take a good look at the man she was with, he.. oddly looked like ei- no, no. He's not here. He's dead. He's gone.

"Uhm-.. just ignore her Alina, she's just probably looking at your pretty dress!" I said to Alina. The dress she was wearing was so cute on her, but she didn't really like it. "Oh ok fine." She says walking back to her friends. "We should probably be heading to our seats now." Laurence said looking at his phone. "Yup, we probably should, come on guys let's go!" Zane said to everyone in the group. As we all started making our way towards the doors that led inside the theater area, I took another glance at the little wear wolf girl and her dad.. I hate saying this, he looks a lot like Ein. Maybe after the show I'll go see..

As we walked into the theater room and sat in our seats Aaron could tell I felt anxious. "Aph, are you ok..?" Aaron said whispering into my ear. "Yes I am fine." I say to him leaning on his shoulder. "Are you sure..?" He whispers again "yes, Aaron I am ok." I say kissing his cheek. And laying my head back on his shoulders. This is going to be a long show..

HI- UH THANKS FOR READING I GUEES- sorry if it felt rushed. It's currently 2 am right now and I DIDNT really know what to write. But yeah- hope you enjoyed it- :,D

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