Chapter 7 - death talk and mystery letters

185 4 17

WARNING- Language

December 11 20xx


"Wake up..."

"Hey, kid wake up..!"


Cassandra wakes up with a gasp escaping her mouth and jolted into a sitting position on her bed,  looking around her surroundings she reassured herself that she was in her room 'Irene what was that voice..' Before waking up, it felt like a voice was speaking to her, in her head to be exact. She couldn't see it though. The voice sounded mean. she couldn't understand why though. It sounded like a man's voice, an old man. It sounded scratchy and demonic. Kinda like a demon. She sighed 'maybe I should go talk to dad about it, he might know what to do, he always did.' Pushing off the covers to the bed. Cassandra hops off the bed and walks towards the door. While reaching to grab the door knob, she started to scratch her hair, which then led to rubbing her face, which then dragged down to her neck.. the neck that held the necklace. She stopped reaching for the door knob, And grabbed the gold chain necklace.

It had belonged to her mother. She loved her mom, alot, but she didn't understand what happened to her. She had been sick yes, and then passed away. Or died. She knew what that meant. Dad had explained it to her as softly as he could so she could understand. She was gone, meaning that she wouldn't be coming back, ever. She would never see her again. Cassandra started to feel tears starting to develop in her eyes. She blinked as they fell down her face. she didn't like that her mother was gone. Why did she have to go? Cassandra sighed and grabbed the door knob and opened it.

Walking out of her room and into the hallway towards the stairs. She started to feel as if she was going to fall over. She felt extremely tired. As if she didn't sleep at all. It was werid.. walking down the stairs. She started to look for dad

"Dad?" She called out "yes honey? I'm in the kitchen." Dad called out from the other room. Cassandra made her way towards the kitchen. As she entered the kitchen she started to develop a feeling, an emotional of some sort. When she was looking at her dad she felt guilty about something, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Had she done something the night before? She hadn't recalled doing anything strange last night. But then why did she feel so guilty? "Good morning Cassy. How'd you sleep?" Dad asked putting pancakes on the table. "Ok I guess.." she muttered quietly "I don't feel like i slept last night." She said strangely. Dad looked confused "oh? Did you have a night mare?" He asked in a sympathetic tone "I don't know.." Cassandra said. She sat down at the table. Dad had made pancakes this morning. Usually she would be happy about pancakes, but now she just felt.. nothing? She felt as if they didn't mean anything. She started to feel sick from looking at them and pushed the plate away from her. Dad noticed and said "are you ok cassy?" He said in a curious tone "I don't know, I feel sick.." she said leaning back into the chair for support. She felt like she was gonna fall over. Dad got up from his chair and went to go feel my forehead. She felt drained, she felt as if she couldn't move, she felt tired, guilty, and felt like she gonna pass out any minute. "Your burning up a little, here come on, let's take you back to bed. Your probably sick." He said in a worried tone of voice. He picked me up and we made our way out of the kitchen. While they made our way back to her room, Cassandra kept seeing a figure. It shadowy figure. It was long, It had little horns on the side of its head.. she tried not to think about it and hid her head in her dad neck.

What is happening..


"I mean if you wouldn't have just grabbed the snowball and actually did something and thrown it at one of the assholes, we would've in this situation!"

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