Chapter 2 - Act 1

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December 9th 20xx

Aphmau POV

Glancing back and forth between the stage and the mysterious man and the little girl, the thoughts of the man being Ein kept coming back. There could be no way that he was Ein. He was dead, gone. But.. he looks so much like him, there were even scars on his face and they looked to be in the exact same place as the last time I saw him. As the curtains closed and everyone clapped. It was the end of act 1. As everyone was getting up to go to the bathroom, or stay in the seats. I glance back at the man and the little girl. The girl was extremely happy and was talking to the man, he was smiling and nodding his head at her. They got up and went out the doors.. wait, if I wanna catch up to them and ask them then I better do it, like now. "Hey aunt Aphmau, do you need to use the restroom?" Kody said infront of me "uncle garroth, me, Natalie, Alex, and Aiden need to go. But Natalie is a girl and she can't go in the boys one." Kody said smiling he reminds me so much of his dad. "Yeah ok I'll go" it's would be my change to take a closer look at the two. Hopefully this would all be a big mistake, and it wasn't Ein..


"-And then Aiden went on and on about how "oH nO, NaTalIE tHaTs iN thE sEcoNd aCt NOt tHe frIst" and I said well my sister IS playing in the show oblivious I would know what character she was and when she was going to appear-" Natalie continued to rant on about how Aiden was wrong about, the show. And blah blah blah. She and Aiden act like there dads a lot. "You know Natalie, you and Aiden remind me of Your dad and Garroth." I said chuckling. "I will take that as a complement." She said fixing her jewelry and having a smile on her face. As we walk outside the bathroom I see garroth waiting for the boys outside of the boys bathroom. Checking his watch, fluffing his hair. Usually garroth things. Natalie ran up to him asking him about if she and Aiden DID really act like Zane and Garroth. They continued to chat for awhile as we waited for the boys to come out. I take a look around the room. The man and the little girl weren't around. Maybe it wasn't them, It wasn't Ein. Everything is ok- "excuse me miss?"

I hear a faint voice behind, I turn around to see the little girl from earlier. Wait if she's here where that man she was with.. "yes sweetie?" I say stopping myself from over thinking. "I just wanted to apologize about earlier, I was staring at you and the girl with you, I just really like your guys dresses.." she said look away in embarrassment. "Oh, that's ok sweetie, I really like your dress, it's so cute!" I say reassuring her that it was alright. "Oh thank you miss" she said giving me a smile. "-sandra! Don't run off by yourself, you could.. have been.. oh shoot." A man said behind her... wait.. Thats Ein.. "what.. I.. how.." I said trying to pick words to describe on what I was gonna say. Ein?! No, no! He was dead, why the hell was he here?? "Ein.. how.. I-" "please don't hurt me, just- I don't know this is so awkward..." he said grabbing the little girl hand, and backing up a bit. "Aphmau, we should go." Garroth said in an angry tone. The boys had already came out of the bathroom to this. "What's going on..?" Alex asked Natalie. "Bro i don't know.." she said "guys head back to the theater ." But dad-" "walk back to the theater. Now." Confused and stunned The kids went together back into the theater.

"Ein." Garroth said coming up behind me "heyy.." Ein said in an awkward tone. "How are you- where- where have you been.??" I say look at him in fear. "I mean no harm I promise, can we talk about this after the ballet and not infront of my daughter..?" Daughter? He has a kid? "Fine Aphmau let's go." Garroth said trying to pull me away. "Dad I need to go to the bathroom..!" The little girl said to Ein. "Shoot.. ok uhm.. hey wait!" Ein said coming towards me and garroth. "Aphmau can you take my daughter to the bathroom please? I can't go in there cause you know, and I don't want her to go in alone.." hesitant, I didn't know what to do. It was kinda funny though. Ein, the man who hurt me and my friends, my fiancé. He took everything from us. Now he want mr to take his daughter to the bathroom.

"Uhm ok.." I say pulling garroth away "aph- what if-" " garroth it's fine, he doesn't look all at threatening, he even said not to hurt him, so it's pretty obvious he's not gonna do anything..." I said whispering to garroth "yeah but what if-" "garroth. Just go back into the theater. I'll come right back I promise" I say reassuring him. "Fine.. but if he does anything.." "garroth, Just go." "Ok fine.." garroth then started walking away. "Ok let's go kid" I say in a cheerful tone to calm the girl down, she look like she was gonna cry. "O-ok.." she said grabbing my hand. As we walk into the girls bathroom it was still werid to think that I was holding Eins daughter hand. "Why were you scared of my dad?" "Huh?" The little girl said catching me off guard. "I know he's done some bad things in the past, he told me. But he's changed!" The little girl said walking into the stall. As I wait outside of it for her i started to think again.. Changed.. he changed? I mean.. he has a daughter, and by that means he probably had a wife or girlfriend. But how.. how could he be alive.. aaron killed him. But if he was back was he planning to do something? When I saw him he looked shocked, and a little scared, could I be an act? He seemed awkward. As if he didn't expect us to be here. So maybe, he did change.. I don't know this is so confusing..

The little girl opened the stall and towards the sink. "I can't reach..!" She said struggling to grab onto the fosit to turn the water on. I chuckled a little. "You remind me when I was little, I couldn't reach the foist either, well I was a kid so obviously I couldn't.." I say picking her up and moving her towards the sink so she could wash her hands. She laughed it off. "What's your name sweetie?" I say popping the question. "Oh, it's Cassandra and I am six!" She said smiling in the mirror. "Well it's nice to meet you Cassandra, I am Aphmau!" I say grabbing onto her hand again.

As we walked out of the bathroom I see Ein checking his phone, for the time I am guessing. "Hey Cassandra, were you ok?" Ein said picking her up and holding her. "Mhm, Aphmau is nice" she said smiling back at me. "Uhm.. thanks for uh.. taking her.." Ein said looking back at me awkwardly "its not a problem.." I say back. This was so werid. "Listen, Aphmau.. I just wanted to say, that I am sorry for what I did to you, it was wrong of me in so many ways. I hurt you and your friends alot. I am not asking for you to forgive me, you don't have to. You have ever right to be mad at me. And I understand that. I just wanted to apologize for past troubles." Ein said in an apologetic manner. He was sorry, sorry for everything he did. "Uhm.. it's fine, is it ok if we talk about this after the show? With everyone else?" I say in question. "Uhm.. sure we'll meet outside?" I said "sure, yeah ok.." he said in a confused yet happy tone. "Uhm.. it was werid yet kinda cool seeing you, I'm gonna head back up to the theater, bye." I say turning around and heading back up. This was so werid

Walking back into the theater and sitting back in my seat. Aaron started to ask me questions. "Are you ok?" He said whispering to me "yes I am fine I just needed to go to the bathroom to." I say ignoring the fact that freaking Ein was here. "Alrighty." He said kissing my forehead. Garroth looked at me and gave me look of 'did he do anything?' I return the look by shaking my head no. He then nodded and continued to talk to Laurence. I glance back at Ein and Cassandra who and just walked in and took there seats. Act 2 was starting and the lights went dim and the curtains opened. Let's see how this will go..

Thanks for reading :)

An "Old" Friend - an Aphmau Ein redemption arcWhere stories live. Discover now