Chapter 8 - Family agruments and Sprit callings

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Hi- Please read the thing at the end please


"Oh Irene what are we gonna do.."

"I don't know.. didn't we finsh him off with the relic? How is he back?"

Ein slumped in the couch he was sitting on. He was currently at Aphmau and Aaron's house discussing what they were going to do with the whole Micheal situation. At first he had been surprised they even wanted him there. But he didn't think about it at the time.

It was really uncomfortable being there though with them all talking about what they were gonna do, the kids still being here, scattered around the house. We had to be quiet to make sure none of them heard anything. Although he had told Cassandra what he had happened the previous years. Even though she was young at the time and didn't know what he meant. She was a very forgiving child and told him it was ok and that was in the past. Just like her mother had told him...

Ein brought his knees up to his head and laying his head on his knees thinking of his late wife. It had been a few months since Kathrine had passed. Although it seemed like it was yesterday.. he didn't like thinking about what happened that day. It was terrible even to just think about it. Was it my faul-

"Ein are you ok?" I turn to see Lucinda look at my confused "oh, yeah I'm fine.." I said to her giving her a small smile. She looks at me, annoyed. She probably could tell I was lying but left it at that.

The room fell silent after that. Until.. "wait Ein, since you were you know.. associated with the situation back at starlight. Do you remember anything that Micheal said or what happened after the big fight, or anything you heard of these past years ?"
Ghost said looking at me or Kim, I honestly don't know, everyone turned there heads towards to where I was sitting.

"Hmm.." I try to recall what had happened that night or recall anything Micheal had said to me these past few years "well I don't remember anything he said to me.. that I remember atleast.. but after the fight I woke up in a hospital in California." "A hospital?" "Yup, I ended up staying there for awhile. When I was in stable condition. They let me go. I knew some of my relatives lived in California so I stayed with them for awhile.. until.. something happened to them and I ended up running away. A woman ended up finding me and she took me in, that woman soon ended up being my wife, we got married, had cassy, then..." Ein traced off his sentence. Hesitant to say what had happened next. He didn't like thinking about it. That day he had almost killed himself, and Cassandra.

"Then..?" Aphmau said with a tone of curious and worried in her voice. "Then.. one day, I was driving. Me and my wife Kathrine ended up getting into an argument over something. I wasn't looking on the rode and..." Ein took a Shaky deep breath in and breathe out "we ended up crashing.. Kathrine died on in pack that day.." Ein said sinking into the couch. "Oh Ein.." Aphmau said sympathetically "im sorry.." ghost said sadly "it's alright..." he said fidgeting with his ring finger. Katelyn sighed and said "is there anything else..?" She said quietly "not that I can remember no.." he said sitting back up. "Alrighty.. so.. what now" Katelyn said looking at everyone in the room "I don't know.."


"Alex just go out there and see what there talking about..!"

"No! I'm not gonna get in trouble right now, screw that!"

"Kody, If your so upset about wanting to go see what there talking about then go see for yourself!"

"But I can't! I'm not as stealthy as Alex is! Even if I get as fare as the stair case someone is gonna here me!"

"Oh my Irene.."

Alex looked at Kody in disbelief. Our parents had told us not go into the living room because they were talking about something. Even that Ein dude and his daughter were here. And Kody was just dying to go see what they were talking about. He had to admit he wanted to go see to. But he didn't wanna get in trouble and really, at the end of the day it wasn't any of his business.

An "Old" Friend - an Aphmau Ein redemption arcWhere stories live. Discover now