Chapter 6 - Un-packing and snowball fights

162 3 6

December 10th 20xx

Eins POV:




I open my eyes to the sound of a voice, a small voice. I rub my eyes so that I could see better, I see Cassandra, she was still in her Pjs she probably just woke up.. with a groan I sit up and run my eyes more. "Yeah?" I say looking at her "you have 3 texts messages things on your phone, and it's time to get up." She said giving me my phone. I look at the time and it was '9:30 am' I look at my notifications to see a number I didn't recognize. I click on it and It reads:

Today 8:15 AM

:hey this is Garroth, Garroth Ro'meave? We saw each other at the party, blonde hair werewolf-

:shoot sorry, uhm anyways I was wondering if I could come over to help you un pack your things. If that's ok.

:you don't have to accept if you don't want to. It was just an offer :)

:Oh, uh hey, sorry I couldn't replay sooner I was sleeping, and sure you can come help out if you want. Around 11:00? Heres where I live: *insert
random location here*

:sure! I'll see you at 11 :)

:ok :)

I put my phone down "ok, do you remember that blonde man from the dinner?" I say to Cassandra as I got up and started making my bed "mhm! He was nice." She said happily. She came over to the other side of the bed and helped me make the bed "well, he's gonna come over and help us unpack ok?" I said to her putting the pillows back on the bed "oh ok!" She said smiling at me and running out of the room.

I grab my phone and walk out of my room, down stairs into the kitchen. I remember leaving the shattered plate on the floor. So I guess that gonna be first. I grab the broom and sweep up the broken glass pieces and place them in the trash. Alrighty now that's picked up I started to un pack more of the stuff.


Putting the last cup inside the cabinet. I sighed of relief the kitchen was unpacked the boxs were stacked up in the corner. I look at my phone to check the time. It read: 10:12 am. Only an hour before garroth comes by to help. I walked back upstairs to check on Cassandra

*knock knock* "can I come in?"


I walk into Cassandra room. She was currently unpacking her stuff, she was also out of her pjs and dressed. Something that I should probably go do to. "Are hungry cassy?" I said looking at her "yes!" She said putting a toy inside her toy chest. And running up to me, hugging me. I pat her head gently "ok, I'll go get dress and make us some pancakes." I said "yeah pancakes!" She said letting me go and walked back over to a box. Is then left her room into my room. Opening my closet and grabbing some close. It was still snowing outside so it was pretty cold inside so I put on some long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Brush my teeth and head back downstairs and make breakfast.


"That was so good dad!" Cassandra said. She was sitting on the counter next to the sink watching me wash the dishes "glad you liked it honey." I said to her giving a small smile.

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