Chapter 5 - The restaurant (part 2)

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(Hi- so the next coming chapter might take awhile cause after this point I don't really know what to do to. There's gonna be some filler chapters like the characters connecting with Ein again the kids just vibing. And maybe some story lore that will build up for the reveal or what ever-)


Aphmau POV:

December 9th 20xx

The silence was so loud.. Irene. With all of the talking, people laughing, hearing food trays being held out. people walking past us. Everyone was quiet, all the adults were sitting on one side of the table. While the kids were on the other side. Talking. At least they are talking.. "so uh.." Travis said breaking the silence. "how was everyone weekend?" He said trying to start up a conversation. Werid topic to start with but garroth went along with it. "It was good, I finally finshed putting up that book shelf." Garroth said smiling proudly. "Well Nicole and Noah weren't fighting so I'd call it a good weekend." Zane said checking his watch. "It was good." Aaron said looking uncomfortable. Ein was right next to him looking uncomfortable as well. "It was alright i spouse.." Ein said fidgeting with his fingers.

it again fell silent. The air was so thick between the adults you could take a pair of scissors and try to cut through it. And it wouldn't cut through no matter how many times you try. "So.. Ein." Katelyn said starting another conversation, but it was about Ein.. this probably isn't gonna be good. "Where have you been? I mean you have a kid, so I am guessing you would have been busy.." Katelyn said. "Uhm.. I don't really wanna talk about that, considering we are in an open area and people could listen.." Ein said. "Alrighty, fair enough." And again.. the every fell silent. Oh boy this is gonna be a long dinner..

Aarons POV:

Irene this is so awkward.. I look around the room. We were seated in the middle of the room. Everyone was chatting, laughing and eating. And for us, it was silent. The kids were talking and laughing. But wasn't as weird cause they were on the other side of the table. Cassandra was next to me coloring on the some paper the waiters have given to the kids. Ein was to my right. He looked uncomfortable. I can't blame him though. Finally breaking the silence was the waiter coming back to the table to get our orders. "Hello! I'll be your waiter for this evening, is everyone ready to order?" The waiter said getting ready to write down what we were gonna order. "Does everyone have there orders?" Garroth said at the front of the table. We all said yes and we started telling the waiter what we wanted. The kids wrote what the wanted on a piece of paper and passed it down to the adults. "Alright, is that everything?" "Garroth yup I believe so!" Garroth said in a happy tone. "Alright, have your orders ready in a few minutes!" The waiter said walking away from our table.

And the silence of the adults came back to haunt us. It was so werid. Normally we would all be talking, laughing and all that. but because Ein was here it was weird, all of a sudden I feel something pull on my coat. And turn to see what it was and it was Cassandra. "Uhm.. yes?" I say to her "do you wanna play tic tac toe?" She said giving me a green crayon. Tic tac toe? I mean I would kill time, but it was kinda werid... sure why not. "Sure." I say grabbing the green crayon from her hand. She flipped over the paper and made a tag. "Ok, I'll be Os you can be Xs." She said making and O shape in the top left. I made an X shape at the bottom right. We continued to play until she beat me, or I let her win. "Yeah! I got you!" She said laughing "yup you got me." I said smiling back. She drew another tag on the paper and drew a O in the middle. Alrighty let's see what to do..

Aphmaus POV:

when the waiter left with our orders. It went silent again. "So Ein, uhm.. how are you?" Nana said trying to cut the air and start a conversation. "Uhm.. I've been alright. Me and Cassandra just moved back here a month ago, so the house is still a mess." "Moved back?" Zane said curiously "yeah, after the.. whole starlight thing I moved to California and stayed there for awhile, met a woman. Got married and had Cassandra.." Ein said fidgeting with what looked like to be a ring on his finger. "But.. something happened...And we moved back here." Ein said taking a breath and stop fidgeting with the ring on his finger and folded his hands. I made a mentally note not to mention anything about this woman. He was fidgeting with his ring so obviously it was probably a sensitive topic

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