Chapter 3 - Act 2

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December 9th 20xx

Aphmaus POV

As the ballet dancers danced gracefully across the stage, I kept glancing back at Ein and Cassandra, but mostly Ein. Was what Cassandra said true? did he really change. I feel ashamed thinking that he didn't. I mean he seemed gently with handling his daughter, and he did seem frightened when he was chasing after Cassandra, and saw us. And he also said not to hurt him.. but it could be an act.. but he didn't try doing anything while garroth was with me, or when he left. So could he have changed after all thoses years?

My thoughts were interrupted by some cheering, as in "Nicole!!" "It's Nicole!" And "THATS MY SISTER!!" Aiden, Kody and Noah started cheering for Nicole as she came on stage as the sugar plum fairy. Then I heard a "shh" from katelyn trying to quiet them down. It was pretty funny. I glance back at Ein and Cassandra who were watching the stage with big eyes, and when I mean big eyes I mean as in Cassandra she looked so happy and surprised. He wasn't doing anything remotely suspicious. Maybe he did change...


The stages closed as everyone clapped and cheered, the show was amazing I look around at everyone in eye view, the kids the adults. And then spot Ein and Cassandra. Cassandra was clapping and cheering while Ein held her with a smile on his face. Maybe he did change. Wait- oh shoot, now we have to go meet up with them and explain things.. hopefully no one tackles him.. as we all got up to leave the theater, garroth came up to me. "Did he do anything?" Garroth said into my ear making sure no one heard. "Garroth he didn't do anything, he just asked me to take his daughter to the rest room. He doesn't seem all that threatening. Besides it's been years since we last saw him. If he just came here to come at us again, why would he bring his kid?" I say back to him. "Alright good point. BuT-" "garroth. Just- calm down. Please." I say to garroth trying to calm him down from freaking out.

"Oh alright.." "also he wanted to meet up with everyone, to apologize..." "wait what-!" "Garroth! Hush..!" "What are you guys talking about?" Shoot.. katelyn came up next to garroth to see what we were doing she was also with her daughter Tatiana.. "Uhm- uhm- " I said worried "we were uh.." garroth said trying to change the subject. "You were amazing Nicole!!" Noah said Hugging his sister. Oh thank Irene for siblings wholesomeness. As me and garroth walked away from katelyn to congratulate Nicole, and to ignore her question. I spot Ein I few feet away from us, talking to a lady at the desk. With Cassandra of course. Cassandra was holding his hand looking around, she spotted me and waved. I waved back nervously.

"We should probably get going guys." Zane said looking at his watch. Before the show we have all decided to eat at a restaurant after. "Yeah, I am starving!" Travis said putting his coat on, considering it was still snowing outside. Natalie, Alexander, Kody and Aiden nod there head in agreement. "Alright let's head out Boyss." Alina said heading towards to door with Travis walking right behind her. Putting my coat on I glance towards where Ein and Cassandra were. Cassandra was looking at me, worried. Ein was still at the desk. Shoot, what are we gonna do? How is this gonna work out.. I walk out the door to the cold snow. Walking down the stairs with Aaron right next to me. I hear the door open behind us. And low and behold it was Cassandra. "Wait, Aphmau..!" She came walking down the stairs quickly but, not to quick to where she could have fallen. "Yes?" I say crouching Down to her level, trying to drag the attention away from us. She wasn't wear her sweater. "When are you gonna-" suddenly another person opens the door, and it was.. oh no.. here we go.. alright, Aphmau stay calm.

"Cassandra! Stop running away! You could have gotten lost-.. and... oh..- uhm.." Ein said tracing away from what he was gonna say, with wide eyes, he stepped back a little. "Uhm.." "EIN?" katelyn said In a rage. "I- uh.. hi.. uhm.." he said grabbing Cassandra and giving her her sweater, and a pair a gloves. "What are you doing here!?" Aaron said feeling ready to attack him. "Aaron calm down. He isn't gonna hurt us!" I said stepping in front of Aaron and calming him down. "Laurence, can you take the kids to the parking lot please?" I say to Laurence, confused himself. We had told him what happened at starlight. But he was still a little confused. "Uh.. yeah sure.." he said grabbing the keys from garroth. "Alright guys come on" everyone gave there "ok"s and "fine" as they kids walked with Laurence back to the parking lot. "Do I go to..?" Cassandra said to Ein. "Uhm.. uh... is that ok with you guys if she goes..?" Ein looked at us for approval. It would be good for her to go. So she wouldn't be all wrapped up in this mess. "I don't see why not." Laurence said holding his daughter. "Ok.."
Cassandra was hesitant to move. But Natalie came up to her and held her hand out. And she took it. They walked off towards the parking lot leaving us alone. Here we go..

Alinas POV:

this was all kinda werid.. who was that Ein dude.. why were the adults freaking out about it? And most importantly. Why was the girl who was staring at me earlier with us. I don't like being stared at. It makes me uncomfortable. It was a quiet walk back to the parking lot. Until- "so.. uh.. hey Cassandra was it?" Zianna said Turning her head towards the girl who's name was apparently Cassandra.

Still doesn't explain why she was staring at me. pretty name though. "Yes.." the girl said hesitant "uhm.. so you know what that whole ordeal was back there?" Zianna said curiously "yes.. i do, but I don't know if I am allowed to tell you, so I won't." "Aw bummer.." zianna said pouting. "Hey uh.." Cassandra said turning her head towards me. "I am sorry for staring at you earlier.. I just really liked your dress.." oh, well that wasn't so bad. "Oh, it's ok." I say giving her a smile. She gave a smile back to me. "That's kinda sus- Ow!" "Shut up Kody." Tatiana said hitting Kody on the back of the head. We all laughed and started to chat more. Hopefully everyone as going ok with the adults.

Aphmaus POV:

"Ein." Aaron said calming down a little more but still pretty angry. "How are you still alive??" Travis said confused and a little angry to. Oh boy.. "it's a long story.." Ein said "Aph, did you know about him being here?" Zane said to me. "I didn't know he was here awhile but then we saw eachother while we were at the bathrooms. "Did he do anything to you?" Aaron said look at me and back at Ein. "No he didn't, he just asked me to take his daughter to the bathroom.!" "Daughter?" nana said shocked "I promise to Irene that I don't mean any harm to any of you. Just.. ok, I know you all are mad and shocked right now, I can't really blame you. What I did was wrong, I admit that. So I just came to say that.. I am sorry.." everyone paused and just looked at him. Ein stepped back a bit saying "uhm.. are you gonna do anything to me..?" Aaron sighed and said "no.. continue." Ein looked confused but continued.

"You all have every right to be mad at me. For the things I did. But I promise I did not come here to hurt you all again. I just came to apologize.. I am not asking you to accept it, you can just walk away. And that would be ok, But I just wanted to say it.." Ein finished what he said and everyone was quite for a moment until "do you- uh.. wanna go to dinner with us..?" Nana said breaking the silence. Every looked at her minus Garroth, and me. "Nana! Are you crazy? It's Ein-" Zane said looking at her in disbelief. "Yes, Zane it is Ein, but he literally just apologized for all the horrible stuff he did to us, and look at him!" Nana said pointing to Ein. Ein was looked scared and looked like he was ready to run if any one in the group were to attack him. "He is obliviously frightened, you think he'd just show up all thoses years just to hurt us again, hell he has a child!? You think he would bring her along just for her to sit there and watch her father attack us? No. He looks like he's about to run away, if we even as take another step, so." Nana finshed talking and walked up to Ein, who was a little less frightened but still kept his guard up. "I don't forgive you, for now. But I'll give you a chance." Nana said giving him a smile. Everyone shocked including Ein. "Thank you.." Ein said dropping his shoulders, feeling more comfortable."I'll give you a chance too, it's gonna take awhile me to forgive you but I'll give you a chance.." garroth said looking at Ein to. "And my offer still stands, if you and your daughter want to come with us to dinner you are allowed to." Nana said looking at him happily but still a little uncomfortable. "Uhm.. sure.. if that's cool with you guys.." Eins said looking at the rest of us. "It's alright with me, I still don't completely forgive you though.. but I'll give you a Chance." I said giving him a small smile. "Ok I am just gonna out this out here, we all wont forgive you, atleast for now, maybe, but I am willing to give you a second chance." Travis said. "Yeah I guess me to.." Zane said. Katelyn and Aaron were still hesitant but kept there options to themselves for the time being. "So uhm, who's hungry?" Garroth said trying to brighten the mood up a little. "Me!" Everyone said together. "Alrighty everyone lets go." we all walked toward the parking lot. Some of us still hesitant, and a little uncomfortable. But it was all good. It went a lot smoother then I thought...

Lol hi- thanks for reading :), and yes I know there might be some grammar mistakes in there I realized half way through that I kept spelling chance to change- so yeah. Hope you enjoyed it :)

An "Old" Friend - an Aphmau Ein redemption arcWhere stories live. Discover now