Chapter 4 - The Restaurant

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December 9th 20xx


Aphmaus POV: 

We were now in the car driving to the restaurant. And Ein and his daughter were coming with us. Ein.. Ein is coming with us to a restaurant.. a freaking restaurant with Ein- that was still werid to think about.. Ein, the man who hurt us, and controlled us. Was now coming to a restaurant with us.. "hey mom?" My thoughts of Ein had been interrupted by Alexander sitting behind me. "Yeah?" "Who was that man you guys were talking to?" I stop. They don't know about Ein or anything that happened. "I uhm- he was a.." trying my best to ignore the fact that my kids just asked who Ein was, and they don't even know what happened at starlight. Since we tried our best hiding it from them. "Well uhm..uh.." shoot there starting to get suspicious- "he's an old friend guys." Aaron said out of the blue. Giving them an answer. "Ohh, ok" Alexander then went back on his phone, probably texting on his group chat with friends.

I lay my arm on the arm of the chair thinking. It was still werid to think Ein was coming with us.  As I was laying my arm on the arm rest and thinking, Aaron grabbed my hand and held it, which made me feel a little better. We were pulling up to the restaurant.  I could see Travis and katelyn outside of the door with there kids, Zane and nana walking up to them with there kids behind them. Garroth, Laurence  and Ein were getting out of there cars. "Aye we're here, finally I am starving.." Alina said in the backseat. "Alright guys let's go" Aaron said opening his door on the driver side. It was still snowing outside but not as bad it was before. "Hey guys!" Travis said calling us over. We walk over to the entrance of the restaurant. Let's see how this goes.

Aarons POV:

As we were walking over to the rest of gang outside of the restaurant it was still werid that Nana invited Ein. Ein.. I still didn't completely trust him. His daughter seemed nice enough. But.. I don't know.. "so is everyone here?" Garroth said putting his car keys in his front pocket. "Yup" everyone said together, kinda it was a little off. We all walked in, it was nice and warm, compared to the snow outside. And it was decked out with all sorts of Christmas stuff. We took off our coats and Garroth went up to the desk to check us in for a table. We all sat down or some us of us stood up and just wait for a table. Ein was sitting next to me right next to his daughter. It was kinda uncomfortable for me to be sitting next to him, I could tell he felt uncomfortable to. It was werid for both us. Considering our history. I look down at Ein hand a notice a ring. A ring? Dang he is married? Kinda makes sense I guess, he also had a daughter. But you never know.

"Hey uh Ein.." Ein looks at me in confusion. "Uhm.. yes?" He said confused. "What's with that ring on your finger?" Ein looked at me, dead In The eyes and glanced away. Odd.. maybe I made it awkward.. shoot. "It's uhm.." Eins voice began to crack, shoot is he gonna start crying?! Shoot I said something I wasn't spoused to, and now he's gonna start cryiNG- "it's just a ring I gave him for his birthday..! He's crying cause he likes it so much!" Cassandra I think her name was, interrupted my thoughts with that statement and she laughed it off after. And avoiding eye contact with me. But she also looked like on the Verge of tears to. Crap I have to fix this.. "oh uhm.. cool, ring.. uhm, sorry if it was a touchy subject I didn't mean to, it's just awk-" "awkward? Yeah. Kinda is.." Ein said wiping his tears and pulling Cassandra closer to him.

"Sorry.." I said looking away from them, I felt guilty for even bringing it up now. "No, no it's ok. You- it's fine." Ein said reassuring me that it was ok. "Alrighty guys we have a table let's go." Garroth said walking towards the tables in the room. We all got up and walk to a big table.

Aphmau POV:

We all sat down at the table and the waiter said they would be right back when we have our orders. It was awkward kinda. I was sitting in between Zane and nana and Aaron right in between Ein and Cassandra. "So what does everyone wanna order?" Garroth said looking at his menu "Some salad would be good." Katelyn said putting her phone down on the table and looking at her menu as well. We all discuss what we wanted and told the waiter. He walk away and the adults were left in silence as the kid were talking. Minus Cassandra she was coloring on a sheet of paper.

Ok. Let's see if this works out...

Hi- thanks for reading sorry if it was kinda short I am kinda confused on how I should plan out these scenes with words- hope you enjoyed it. :)

An "Old" Friend - an Aphmau Ein redemption arcWhere stories live. Discover now