1: Alien Girl

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Amanda Tesefay

"Ugh! Watch where you're going FOUR EYES!"

"Oh My Gawd! What the hell is this chick wearing?"

"Tights and shorts? The fuck? Bitch we not in the 90's!"

"Can someone please call the FASHION POLICE? I think someone stole some clothes from the thrift shop!"

Just a few of the harsh things said to me as I made my way through the halls.  I couldn’t even take a walk to my locker without being criticized on  the way there.  I sighed dramatically, as I held my head higher, trying to ignore the ignorant comments, and snobby laughter coming from either directions of the hall.   Once I was in front of the royal blue locker, my eyebrows raised in suspicious,  noticing a bright orange sticky note on my locker.  I quickly snatched the note before reading;

Dear Amanda,

Your presence is unnecessary, and your looks is degrading. The fact you're still alive makes me sick. I still wonder why don't you just kill yourself now and save us all the trouble. Nobody likes you, just die now.

-A Friend

I tried my best to hold back the tears burning  the back of my eyes, as I crumpled the note from my locker throwing it onto the floor.  Once I turned around I saw a sea of people laughing, giggling, pointing.  I looked over my shoulder and saw one boy, not laughing, giggling, nor pointing. He was shaking his head in disgrace at his peers.  I held my head down in shame as I hurried down to my first class, not bothering to get my stuff for class.   I wonder everyday why I don’t just listen to everyone, why don’t I just kill myself?  At least then I would be able to be with my parents like before.

Julio Martinez

This new school is pretty damn harsh. I really can't believe Graham and everyone else. They act so harsh towards this one girl and it makes me sick. I know how it feels to be bullied and I would never want someone to have to go down that same trail. Shit, I almost committed suicide, trying to overdose on some pills, but luckily my sister was there to save me.

"Nigga! Come on. Did you not hear the bell just ring." My friend Graham said. Me and Graham (Gray-Ham) are pretty close. We've been best friends since fifth grade, back when I use to live in Brooklyn.  I remember the two of us always stirring up trouble for our teachers, and when we became friends the day I shared my PB&J sandwich with him.  I chuckled slightly before turning my attention back to Graham.

"So where is..." I began pulling my schedule out of my pocket, "Miss. Sutherland's Chemistry class?" I finished with a light laugh. Referring to the fact that's what my schedule said for first period, and I had no clue where to find the class.  

"Oh I can show you, just follow me." Graham said as we walked through the crowd of people in the hallway.  The walk down multiple hallways was rather silent, with various students passing by.  The majority of them were Latino and Black just like my old school, so it wasn’t anything really new for me.  I’m guessing being that this school was in the heart of Brooklyn that was what to expect.

"Here it is, just tell her that you are new here." Graham said five minutes later after we arrived in front of the door.  I peeked in to see a woman, who looked to be in her early twenties,  writing on the whiteboard. Her brunette hair resembled beach waves, and she had the stature of merely five foot eight. I also noticed that she seemed to be one of the few Caucasians in the class, making my inference from earlier seem valid.

"Alright thanks." I smiled, dapping Graham, before walking into the class. Once I stepped inside, all heads turned as the teacher put down the black dry erase marker in her hand, looking over towards me. She seemed rather nice, by the way her face was made into a warm smile, illuminating the rest of her features. Besides her last name, Miss. Smutherland actually was rather pretty, she actually resembled Lana Del Rey a bit.  

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