3: Blow My High

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Julio Martinez >>>

"I don't know what to do. I want to be with Amanda, because she's beautiful, different, and I just want to prove to her that I will always be there for her. But on the other hand I like Lashay, cause of her looks and her personality towards me-but then again I hate her attitude, and the way she treats Amanda." I said to my friend Aubrey. I usually go to him for advice, since he is a lot more understanding then Graham.

"I see you really like them both." Aubrey replied, rubbing his chin, trying to seem like a therapist. I looked at him funny before nodding my head.  I never felt so confused and undecided about something before in my life, the feeling felt unbearable.  I would love to have both girls to myself, but we all knew that couldn't happen in life.

"Yeah but I feel like I would be better off with Amanda. Lashay is nice, gorgeous, funny and all but I don't see her in my future." I sighed rubbing my temples before looking down at the worksheet Aubrey and I where suppose to be working on.  It was calculus, a subject that hated and had a terrible grade in.  Me working with Aubrey wasn't rather helpful either when he was just as bad, or even worse in the class.

"I know this seems kinda harsh. But you're gonna have to use Amanda, and show Lashay that you don't want to have that kind of relationship." He said with a sigh as I groaned in response.

"But I don't wanna use Amanda.." I mumbled, feeling like a jerk if I 

"Lashay is a nutty ass chick bruh bruh, so the only way you could actually get her cute ass far away from you is by making her feel so jealous that she just has to back off." He added, tapping his pencil into a beat onto his desk as he took a glace at the paper. By the look on his face it was obvious he wasn't going to be working on it, nor did he seem to understand any of it.  "Man I hate math my nigga."  He complained, sucking his teeth, "Fuck this shit." He said before casually pushing the worksheet onto the floor below him, I chuckled in response to Aubrey's childish ways .

"Mr. Mayers, are you and Mr. Martinez working on the paper or fooling around?" Mrs. Griffin questioned, looking directly at the two of us sternly.  I tried my best not to laugh before she turned back to the board, writing more equations onto it with a dry erase black marker.

"Yo Mrs. Griffin got the bakery!" Rakim joked, all though our teachers butt was flatter than the board she was writting on. I tried my best to cotain the laughter that began to take over.  The moment Mrs. Griffin turned back around I quickly burried my head into the paper, pretending to have been working on it as she glarred at the class like a hawk.

"Come on man, back to what we talking bout." I intructed twoards Aubrey as he nodded his head, turning back to face me.

"Like I was sayin'.  The only thing I can say is you're gonna have to keep ya relationship with her on the DL. That's the best way that you can actually have a relationship without Graham and Lashay knowing. Once they know then all hell will break loose." He assured, I nodded my head understandingly with a stressed groan. I closed my eyes before burying by face into my hands.  

Once the bell rang, everyone in the class began to rise from their desks, scurrying out into the halls like roaches.  I sighed, cleaning up my stuff before noticing Aubrey leaving.  I remembered the one question I had always been wanting to ask him the moment I met him.

"Wait, Aubrey!" I called. "You and my sister...How did you know she was the one?" I asked curiously.

"I saw her on tumblr, and I was thinking damn I gotta get to know this girl. We would always video chat ooVoo and talk all night. Even though she lived on the West Coast, and I was on the East. I had this feeling in me every time she called me, or I heard her voice I just instantly smiled. That's how you know you're in love. From then on I knew she was the one." he smirked, reminiscing on Wynter before grabbing his book and leaving the class.



I left the cafeteria to my locker and got my lunch. I was deciding on staying in the library or media room for the rest of the day, but I knew I was somehow going to get caught.  Once I was at my locker, I twisted the dial left and right,  after a couple twist and a pull the locker opened. I noticed a note fall out, and instantly knew it was another note telling me to just kill myself.  I rolled my eyes annoyed, grabbing the note up to tear it to pieces, but something made me decided this time to read it.

Dear Amanda Panda 

Meet me in the auditorium at 11:45. I'll be waiting for you beautiful ;*

-Julio ♥

I looked down at my watch and noticed it was eleven fifty-eight.  I looked around frantically with a groan wishing I had just skipped going to lunch in the first place being that I didn't even order anything.  I slammed the locker closed to walk back to the cafeteria before feeling someone grab me from behind.

"What took you so long beautiful?" The figure whispered softly into my ear. I immediately knew who it was once I remembered the cologne and soft voice from Saturday night.  Chills ran up my spine just having thoughts of our night together, it was a night I could never forget.

"You still want to go to the auditorium?" I asked, once he let me go, grabbing onto my right hand with his as he rubbed my thumb with his.  The same calming gesture he did at the party which made me feel absolutely amazing.

"Sure, why not." He beamed, holding on tightly to my hand, as a grin formed on my face.  The twinkle in his eyes made his baby like face look even more adorable while our joint  hands made me feel safe.

After talking about life and getting to know each other, I honestly learned a lot about Julio. He was born and raised in Brooklyn but moved to Oakland, California after his parents split. After his mother passed away, him and his twin sister Wynter moved back to Brooklyn since their mother always said she wanted the best for the two. He was constantly bullied from sixth through ninth grade about being gay, but eventually the rumors stopped once he met his friend at the time Aaron. I never knew that such a handsome face could have so many scars, hurt, and tears, under all of the smiles.

"So I guess we both have had a hell of a past." Julio sighed after finishing his story. He was right we both experienced family deaths, bullying, and hurt. But sadly I was still being bullied about my differences. I looked over and saw a tear roll down Julio's cheek as he looked the other way trying to not make me see, but it was too late. I silently rose from seat and sat on Julio's lap, hugging him as he cried on my shoulder.


"Thank you Panda." he mumbled between tears, wrapping his hands around me as he pulled me closer. 


"For what?" I asked in confusion, looking into his big brown eyes filled with nothing but hurt.


"For bringing out a side of me that nobody had seen. And  showing me I'm not alone." He replied, squeezing me tighter to show his appreciation. 

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