9. Questionnaire.

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"Mrs. Sanaya Abhimanyu Singh Rathore listen to me with all your ears open and trust me I don't like to repeat myself" Abhimanyu said pulling her dangerously close to him
'He doesn't like to repeat. So what?' She thought

Sanaya gulped the lump that formed in her throat due to his proximity
'To be honest, this shit is soo fucking hot!' Sanaya thought internally sighing dreamily.

She closed her eyes to control herself from hissing but failed because his hold was quite tight that her stuff fell on ground when he pulled her... But he wasn't doing it intentionally he was unaware that his hold on her arms was hurtful.

"Ahhhh... You are hurting me please leave me." Sanaya hissed, finally opening her eyes which were a little bit moist.

Abhimanyu instantly left her arms but held her by waist to keep a hold on her.

Sanaya rubbed her arms a bit but when she felt his warm hands on on her cold bare skin of waist she froze, her heartbeat raised and breathe hitched.

She looked at him with wide eyes and Abhimanyu smirked and Sanaya scowled

"What?" She asked him annoyed

"Mrs. Rathore that's rude." Abhimanyu replied still smirking
"Says the one whose part time business is to be rude." She muttered and then she realised she said it loud

Sanaya looked at Abhimanyu with her eyes wide as saucers and she clamped her hand on her mouth
"I was not supposed to be loud." She muttered and felt his hold tightening on her

"Don't you think that my stuff is fallen and I need to keep them..." Sanaya tried to divert the topic but was intruppted by Abhimanyu

"You need to keep them in the cupboard." Abhimanyu said casually

"Sorry, What?" Sanaya asked him while her jaw dropped Abhimanyu glared at her in return.

"I told you, I do not repeat." He replied and Sanaya looked at him deadpanned
"Duh, you just did that." She retorted and Abhimanyu took a deep breath

"Mrs. Rathore, don't get hard on my nerves." He warned her and she casted her eyes down
'Bloody moody ass bitch.' She cursed biting her lower lip

"But you don't accept this marriage nor do I so it's better that I stay away from you and your belongings." She stated and tried to remove his hands from her waist but instead he tighten his hold which eventually pulled Sanaya close to him if possible.

As a result she started to tremble under his touch and her breathe fasten she just stood still there looking down.

'What is this? Sanaya calm down calm down, you still need to deal with him'.
Sanaya tried to convince herself

"I am not done yet, Mrs. Rathore." Abhimanyu whispered stressing the word 'Mrs. Rathore'
'So when are you planning to finish... This conversation'
Sanaya internally rolled her eyes without looking up at him

"Look, I just don't want you to create this much mess in my room." He stated and Sanaya looked at him with annoyance floating in her eyes.
'He don't want me to create a mess in his room! Asshole, rascal, yokel; I swear, I DIDN'T EXPECTED THIS SHIT!' Sanaya thought and her scowl deepened

"You know what, Now I won't do anything you are asking me to do. Try Me, Mr. Rathore." Sanaya challenged him with a prominent scowl and he smirked
"Okay." He replied

Abhimanyu left her and Sanaya detached there bodies her breathe was still heavy she turned and took out her heels.

'Damn! 3 inches heels ok I am not saying that I am not used to them but I wanted to wear flats today!'

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