30. Her Frustration!

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"Why do you care?" Sanaya asked looking at him but the very next instant she regretted her words as she registered her words

"Abhimanyu, I didn't mean that" Sanaya whispered looking at him her eyes met his charcoal black pair of eyes

"You didn't mean what Mrs. Rathore?" He asked her moving dangerously close to her and Sanaya lowered her gaze

"Answer me Mrs. Rathore." Abhimanyu demanded calmly and Sanaya wanted to clear everything but not even a word was ready to come out from her throat and her silence was irking him more

"Perfect, stay quiet enjoy your silence because for next 1 month only silence will be here in this mansion accept for maids." Abhimanyu said and turned to leave

'Is he going somewhere? That too for a fucking month!' Sanaya thought and again she was not able to ask him anything

Abhimanyu was waiting for her to ask him about his whereabouts like his wife should, like his wife do but today, all he got was silence and this made him clear that something happened because Sanaya never can stay quiet for this long
Nor could he do anything as she was not ready to tell him what happened!

At last he sighed and stromed out from the kitchen making Sanaya close her eyes in dismay and regret for the choice of her words

'What have I done?' She thought

Sanaya felt her eyes moist on the other hand Abhimanyu entered his room and closed the door with a thud

"She asks me why do I care!? Why do I fucking care?" He growled in irritation and threw his coat on the couch

"I shouldn't care right, infact I shouldn't.... What?" He blabbered to himself
'I should start packing as I have a flight tomorrow' He thought

Abhimanyu was done packing he was just going through chart sheets which Navya submitted him and he felt his mobile vibrating
It was a call from Navya

"Hi Abhi!" He heard Navya's always cheerful voice from the other hand as soon as he answered the call

"Why did you called Navya?" Abhimanyu asked her and Navya gasped over dramatically

"You rascal! Why can't I call you without any reason? Are you disowning me!" Navya exclaimed and wiped her fake tears

"No, it's ok Abhi even if you don't need me as friend then too I won't stop coming to your place and annoy you of course... Come on that's my birth right" Navya added in a obvious tone

"Navya!" Abhimanyu said in a annoyed tone
"What happened?" Navya asked him taking out a chocolate from the fridge

"Nothing" Abhimanyu replied
"NOTHING" Navya mocked him

"Done, now truth Abhi?" Navya demanded
"Wait, did you argued with Sanaya?" Navya asked him in a high pitched tone

"No." He replied which Navya royally ignored
"Oh shut up! Though I am not asking you the reason but sort it out before you leave for Italy because I know you very well and I don't want you to  fire my 5 colleagues everyday sitting there in Italy." Navya lectured him sitting on a couch which eventually made him smile slightly

"Navya, I am not going to settle there it's just a small trip of two weeks" Abhimanyu replied
Yes, he did lied to her. But he didn't got what he was expecting!

"Hmm" Navya just hummed in reply
"Accha, Abhi bye and please don't forget talking to Sanaya and yes do text me once you land tomorrow just saying because I don't trust you with informing." Navya said without taking breath and hung up on him without waiting for his answer

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