19. Dr. Saviour

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Sanaya opened her eyes and unfolded her hands
She turned and her eyes fall on something which made earth slip beneath her feet

Sanaya lost all her senses and she clutched her saree and ran
"Move." Sanaya shouted on the top of her lungs still running and all heads whipped towards her

"Abhimanyu Move!" Sanaya again shouted but before Abhimanyu could understand anything, Sanaya pulled him towards herself and changed their positions

Sanaya was upon Abhimanyu while her hand was under his head and other fisted his shirt and

A chandelier fall down!

There was pin drop silence in the hall glass pieces were scattered on the floor and some of them got buried in her bare foot

"Ahhhhhhh!" Sanaya winced in pain which echoed in the hall pulling Abhimanyu out from his shock state
'She saved me? Why?'

"Ahhhhhhh Maa." Sanaya again winced in harsh pain as that chandelier' glass pieces were continuously pricking her skin

"Abhimanyu Sanaya." Sneha shrieked and Karthik and Ayush ran towards them to help them

Ayush held Sanaya and helped her getting up from Abhimanyu but she wasn't able to stand up while Karthik helped Abhimanyu to get up whose eyes were just looking at Sanaya who was trying to stand with the help of Ayush

"Ouch! No, no, no, bhai glass pieces will pierce inside and it hurts... Ahh mumma!!" Sanaya hissed in extreme pain

Abhimanyu walked towards her and signalled Ayush to leave her while she was busy weeping

Abhimanyu bent down and placed her foot on his lap and Sanaya's eyes popped out from their sockets and she tried take her foot back

"It's fine I'll manage leave it..." Sanaya was mumbling when Abhimanyu shot her a deathly glare which was enough to shut her up and she lowered her gaze

"Annoying Angry Bird." Sanaya muttered under her breath while Abhimanyu was inspecting her foot which was bleeding due to a deep cut

"No show is going on here! Did anyone called a fucking doctor?" Abhimanyu roared and all looked away blinking and Sanaya gulped in fear

"Abhimanyu, I did she is on her way." Sreesha said walking close to them

"Fuck" He muttered and wrapped Sanaya's hand around his neck and picked her up in a bridal style

Sanaya shrieked and was about to say something
"Dare you say something." Abhimanyu threatened walking towards their room and Sanaya narrowed her eyes at him

"You know, I am also not interested talking to you." Sanaya said and looked ahead Abhimanyu looked at her and a slight smile appeared on his face looking at her cute face

"Stop staring me." Sanaya stated still not looking at him and he lifted his gaze away from her face

"I wasn't looking." He replied and Sanaya saw they reached the door of their room and she unlocked it with her other hand

"When did I said that you were looking at me?" Sanaya asked him as they stepped in their room and Abhimanyu looked at her bewildered

"I said you were staring that too without blinking." Sanaya stated with a sarcastic smile on her face

Abhimanyu kept her on bed gently and arranged the pillow behind her and he was going to answer her when she again started

"You know, this way the mattress and bed sheets will get drenched in blood first I need to wash this wound" Sanaya blabbered and tried to get up

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