26. Date?

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(16+ content ahead if you are uncomfortable start reading from other bold letters)

"You know, I can smell something burning." Sanaya said and Abhimanyu backed away from her neck and raised his eyebrows at her

"No, I should rather say SOMEONE burning." Sanaya whispered softly yet her tone was playful

"I see we are gonna play like this." Abhimanyu stated that's when she felt cold fingers touching her bare waist and she realised that Abhimanyu entered his hand in her kurti

'This cheeky bastard I tell you!' Sanaya's conscience shouted but Sanaya's who concentration was on the hand which was caressing her waist

Her breath hitched and heartbeat raised and she looked at him with wide eyes and her cheeks turned crimson red while he just smirked and bent down

He slowly started peppering kisses on her left earlobe making her clutch his jacket and her breath fasten like ever

His lips slowly traced her earlobe and then started moving towards her jawline while Sanaya felt pleasures running down to her spine and her heartbeat was audible to her ears

Sanaya felt her knees go numb and she clutched his jacket from either sides, if he wasn't holding her the she would have definitely fallen on floor

Abhimanyu started peppering kisses on her neck taking off her shawl and Sanaya moaned as he pressed his lips on her sweet spot while Abhimanyu smirked against her skin and sucked her sweet spot making her moan his name, louder.

He started roaming his hand on her waist and Sanaya arced her neck in pleasure giving him better access to her neck, he continued his sweet torture on her neck he sucked the area somewhat between her collarbone and neck

"Abhimanyu!" Sanaya wanted to say something but it ended up being a moan and Abhimanyu nuzzled his nose on the nape of her neck

"Hmm" He hummed in reply but Sanaya wasn't able to reply due to his small sweet tortures on her neck and waist

Abhimanyu looked up in her eyes and his eyes glisten with soo many emotions running in his eyes

Some emotions that Sanaya pointed out were desire, care, possessiveness and somewhere there was a emotion that she was unaware of a emotion that have the power to change anyone
and that was FOR HER

Abhimanyu eyed her lips and then her eyes, he was trying to search something in her eyes
THAT WAS CONSENT! Consent of him touching her in a way maybe no one ever had

Sanaya's breath raised as she understood his gesture and she lowered her gaze as she was unable to handle that dark gaze on her face

"Sanaya look up." Abhimanyu whispered huskily in her ear making her shiver visibly and clutch his jacket even tighter instead of looking up she closed her eyes trying hard to calm her fast breath and heartbeats
Though that was of no use!

"Open your eyes, Mrs. Rathore." He again said and his demanding voice was enough for her to get intimidate by him and his hand on her waist which started drawing circles on her back and waist was like adding oil in fire

'Bastard knows what he is doing to me' Sanaya thought

Sanaya slowly opened her left eye to find him staring her with a smirk adorning his handsome featured face but right now Sanaya felt like kicking him and shove that smirk off from his face

Sanaya finally opened her other eye too and her hazel brown pair of eyes met his dark gaze and he leaned towards her and stopped just a inch away from her lips without breaking the eyelock

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