41. Craving For Him.

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Blood... It is something which surgeons deal with everyday.
So did Sanaya,

But it's said that Surgeons also fall weak seeing their loved ones... Same for Sanaya...

Sanaya felt warm tears travelling down from her eyes and she took in a sharp breath... She couldn't bear seeing him bleeding like that.... She just couldn't.

"I can't treat him." She announced
"I want another doctor on my place here in next 10 minutes." She ordered while her voice cracked at the end

She was losing it! She couldn't hold it.

She left the ward while her head started to spin
"He... He was fi... Fine... He was alright just sometime ago..." She muttered to herself holding herself with the help of the wall while tears were flowing without stopping

"Who bought him here?" A sudden question rose in her head
"Sister Jenna, who filled the form for this patient?" Sanaya questioned when the nurse came out

"Ma'am, the two girls did the formalities, I think, they left or somewhere around." The nurse informed pointing at the two girls standing on the furthest corner of the floor

"What about payment?" Sanaya questioned and sat on the chair in the waiting area turning away her face in order to hide her tears
"They didn't do yet but..." Jenna got intruppted by Sanaya
"I will do it." Saying this she wished to dismiss the conversation

"Why ma'am?" This question made Sanaya feel like throwing that lady out of her premises

"Because he is my husband. Now please do as I say." She replied and her face was showing that it won't take her much time to lash out

"So.. sorry ma'am." Saying that she left and Sanaya closed her eyes while she was shaking in fear... Fear of losing him.

After completing the formalities Sanaya, stormed to her cabin contemplating how will she informed their families.

'Dr. Saurabh... I know he's a fine surgeon... I am supposed to trust him... He will try his best to save Abhimanyu... I know. And I bet I can count on him... I can... Or not?' She thought before calling anyone from their family

At last, she called her father-in-law
"Hello." He answered the call and Sanaya stayed quiet instead she broke into another set of fresh tears

"Da... Dad... Abhimanyu..." All that she could say between her tears
"What happened?" He asked her all of the sudden Sanaya heard tension lacing his voice

"He got into an acci... Accident." She whispered fisting her shirt
"What? How?" He asked and Sanaya closed her eyes
"I wish I knew." She replied closing her eyes and sniffled her sob

"He's admitted, here, where I work." She informed and got no response from the end... She knew it is going to be a long way round.

"Dad, just don't drive yourself." She requested and heard him clearing his throat
"Yeah." Saying this Sanmay hung up

Sanaya felt dizzy and she simply sat on the floor holding her head in her palms
"I want this night to end as soon as it could." She muttered to herself and didn't mind wiping the tears away from her face

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