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Namjoon followed Yoongi through the woods back to the boys house, mentally planning how he would kill the smaller boy.

First, he had to find those envelopes.

Assuming Yoongi wasn't lying about them, they were Namjoon's first priority.

Then find the friend and kill him.

And then, then he would kill Yoongi.

He wouldn't strangle or stab him the first chance he got- no. He would take the boy back to the shed and take his time making the little shit scream and bleed.

"I can feel your eyes drilling into my skull." Yoongi chuckled, not turning around as they walked through the fallen leaves, crunching them under their shoes.

"Good." Namjoon scowled. "Die."

Yoongi just laughed.


Yoongi pulled out his keys, but the door was already unlocked.

"Jin?" Yoongi called as he stepped inside, holding the door open for Namjoon.

Namjoon entered, crossing his arms.

"Gi-gi!" Jungkook raced into the foyer, his hands outstretched and covered in paint. "Gi-gi home!"

"Hey, Goo- careful! Don't touch-" Yoongi winced as Jungkook threw himself at his older brother, smearing the paint onto Yoongi's clothes. "...me."

Jungkook giggled, then noticed Namjoon with a soft gasp.

"Jungkookie, this is Namjoon. He's my friend, and we're working on a big school project together." Yoongi explained. "So he's going to stay with us for a bit. Can you say hi?"

Jungkook bashfully hid behind Yoongi, gripping the boys sweatshirt with both fists. He peeked around Yoongi to blink up at the tall, pretty boy.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin walked into the room from the kitchen, wiping his hands off on a towel. "Who's this?"

"My friend from school. We got partnered together for a project." Yoongi explained. "Namjoon's gunna be staying with us until it's done."

Seokjin blinked, clearly having a lot he wanted to say to Yoongi in private, but he was a gracious host. "Sure. Uh, nice to meet you, Namjoon. I'm Seokjin, and this is Jungkook. I just finished making dinner, you're welcome to sit down with us."

Namjoon smirked, walking up to the boy with his hand outstretched. "How kind of you, Seokjin. You can call me Joon. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Seokjin's cheeks turned a soft pink and he nodded.

Quickly turning to Jungkook to hide his blush, Seokjin pulled him away from Yoongi and pushed him lightly to the kitchen. "Go eat dinner, Googie. You have to eat five more bites of peas and then you can have your chicken nuggets."

"Dinosaurs!" Jungkook pumped his fists in the air and raced to the kitchen.

"Namjoon, I mean Joon, you can grab a plate too." Seokjin said. "Yoongi and I will join you two shortly."

Namjoon smiled again and headed off.

He knew Yoongi wasn't going to spill anything about what kind of project they were really working on. The two boys were bound to each other now, both keeping each others secret and crime hidden for mutual gain.

He sat down at the table, and cast a look at the teenager who acted weird.

Jungkook was hiding behind his apple juice box, clearly staring at Namjoon.

He squeaked when he got caught and quickly scurried under the table.

A few moments later, a hand reached up and snatched a few chicken nuggets off the plate.

Namjoon decided Yoongi wasn't the only brother with secrets.


"How could you bring a stranger into our house?" Seokjin hissed under his breath, his hand gripping Yoongi's arm tightly. "Did you even think about Jungkook? What if that guy is a murderer?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, do you really think I would bring a killer into our house?"

Seokjin leaned back and crossed his arms. "What kind of project are you two working on?"

"It's a semester long conception about anthropodian corse and soma." Yoongi said. "For biology. The biology class you made me take, since you want me to be a doctor so badly."

Seokjin didn't know what all that meant, and he didn't want to show it so he crossed his arms. "How long is he staying here?"

Yoongi shrugged one shoulder. "Dunno. Depends how much we can get done each day. I hope sooner than later."

The oldest sighed deeply. "I wish you had talked to me about this first."

"Sorry. He'll stay in the basement, he won't be in anyone's way." Yoongi said. "We'll work as fast as possible, trust me."

Seokjin sighed again, admitting defeat. "Fine. He can stay. But you better bring home an A plus when this is all over."

Yoongi watched him stalk away to the kitchen.

"I'll bring home something far better than an A, Jin. I promise. I'll bring home justice."

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