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"Hey, chief?" Hoseok raised a hand to the mans door, knocking softly.

"Come in." Came a gruff voice.

Hoseok opened the door, walking in on the chief of police sitting at his desk.

"What are you still doing here?" The man looked at him. "It's late, you should get home."

"I'm just about to." Hoseok sat on the chair across the desk. "I was just wondering something. Do you remember a case about a decade ago? About a car crash?"

"Are you kidding? You know how many car crashes I've been on in my twenty years?" The man raised an eyebrow. "You're going to have to be more specific."

"Right, well, it was twelve years ago, and it was a newly wed couple." Hoseok frowned. "Or wait, I think they were on their way to get married." He glanced up, seeing the tough as nails man's unamused expression. "Uh, well, anyways, they had a baby with them in the backseat and the car ran a red light and the couple died. I know it's not very descriptive, but...it's an important case. You're the only one on the whole force who has been here long enough to have been called in for that crash. Does it ring any bells?"

To his surprise, the chief looked pensive.

"A baby, you say?" He thought back.

"Yes, sir."

"I think I know what you're talking about. They were in a limo, some newly weds with a baby. The limo ran a red light and the couple died. Both drivers and the baby survived."

Hoseok sat up straight. "You remember it?"

"How could I forget such a tragedy? Why do you ask? It was so long ago."

"Do we still have the CCTV of that intersection from that night?" Hoseok's heart pounded.

He could give that to Yoongi. He could make Yoongi happy.

"Should still be in evidence." The chief nodded, getting up. "I'll-"

"No, I'll get it!" Hoseok jumped up. "I'll grab it, you go on home."

The chief squinted at him, slowly lowering himself back into the chair. "And what are you going to do with it?"

"Nothing, I just overheard someone talking about it and wanted to see it for myself. Just make sure everything is adding up." Hoseok lied.

How could he tell his boss that he needed to steal those tapes to give to a civilian for reasons the civilian wasn't even telling him?

"What wouldn't be adding up?" The chief looked suspicious. "I investigated that crash personally."

"I'm not insinuating you did anything wrong!" Hoseok hastily tried to backtrack. "You know I work at the campus nearby part time, right? A criminal investigation student just needs an old case for a project, to look it over and stuff, put himself in the shoes of an investigator, for practice. I heard him talking about a specific case he had heard of and how he wanted to use that one for his project. I'm just trying to help him out. If you lead the investigation then it'll be an easy A for the student, chief."

The chief sighed, sitting back down. "No one likes a kiss ass, Hoseok." He jerked his head back, where the evidence room was. "Hurry up, I wanna lock up in ten minutes."

"I'll only take five." Hoseok promised, rushing out of the room. He pulled out his phone, sending off an excited text to his friend about the news.

He hurried down the hallway, using his keys to unlock the evidence room.

The cases were sorted by date, so he had to go almost to the very back to find the box of evidence related to case 2010/07-31-C.A.

The box was light, since it was just some official case papers in there and the old security footage from the red light camera.

"Hey, what the hell are you-"


A grunt of pain.

Hoseok paused, holding the large shoebox sized evidence box with both hands. "Chief?"

There was nothing but heavy silence.

"Chief?" Hoseok slowly set the box down as quietly as he could, his hand grabbing his gun. "Sir?"

When there was no reply, Hoseok's police instincts took over and he brandished the weapon out, quickly hurrying to the doorway of the evidence room. He checked left and right, deeming the empty hallway to be clear.

"Chief?" He called, taking careful steps down the corridor, the gun pointed out in front of him. "You okay?"

The only lights on in the building were the one behind him from the evidence locker, and the light spilling into the dark hallway from the chief's room.


He entered the room quickly, surprised to see the chief of police laying on the floor, blood trickling out of a wound on his temple.

"Chief!" Hoseok raced to his side. "What- augh!"

He was bowled over suddenly by a heavy weight.

His hands fumbled for his gun but a fist swinging at him sent his head snapping to the side, immediately becoming disoriented.

Hands grabbed his hair, lifting his head up to abruptly slam it back down against the hard floor, and Hoseok's vision went black.

His hearing left slower, so right before the dark abyss took him over, the cop heard the sound of a gunshot going off, and then he was gone.

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