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Namjoon cursed and struggled to free himself from the chair, his anger blinding him at Yoongi's words.

"You help me find out what really happened with my parents, and I won't tell everyone you're the serial killer."

He still couldn't believe Yoongi had figured it out, he had only spent one day with the kid, and 90% of that time was spent working on their class project.

Namjoon stared at him for a long moment, before laughing loudly, tossing his head back.

"Me? The killer? You're fucking crazy!"

"Says the guy stabbing homeless people." Yoongi said, serious.

"Fucking prove it." Namjoon dared, straining against the ropes to get close to the smaller boy, who didn't seem intimidated in the slightest.

In fact, Yoongi grinned.

"I'm so glad you said that. Wanna know how I found out your little secret?" He hummed, stepping back to work on the fire.

Namjoon just watched him, unable to do much of anything else.

"I heard the killer was stabbing homeless people by the campus early in the mornings." Yoongi explained as he worked. "That's three clues right there. First of all, you live right on campus. Now, of course, that doesn't automatically make you a killer, but it's one piece of evidence against you. Secondly, you're young and there's been no killings like this reported anywhere else, so this is probably your first time killing people, so you went after easy targets, like homeless people. The fact that they were killed so early works around your school schedule. That's all just speculation, of course. But then...there were the knives."

Namjoon glared at him, wanting to stab this annoying kid.

"The killer uses a knife, as we both know. You mentioned you never use the kitchen, and that was extremely true, based on the state of it when I tried to cook for us last night. But then, if you never use the kitchen at all, why did you have knives in the dishwasher, like you said? Washing off the blood of your last victim, were you?"

Yoongi stood up, the fire now roaring.

But Namjoon didn't feel the heat- too shocked to process anything but Yoongi's words.

He was right.

"That...that doesn't...you can't convict me on any of that!" Namjoon finally spat.

Yoongi chuckled. "No, but it certainly points the finger in your direction. I wonder how much you'll sweat when I report these suspicions to the cops? I'm friends with one of them, you know. He would take me seriously, and their eyes would alllll be on you. You wouldn't get to kill again, and when the cops realize no new killings have happened while they've been watching you, well, that really is just the final nail in your coffin, isn't it?"

Namjoon closed his mouth and settled back against his chair. "So. I'm really supposed to believe you'll just let me go if I help you? You'll really just let a killer loose? Where are your morals?"

"I don't care about this world or any of the people in it. I just want justice for my parents. I don't care how that makes me sound, it's the truth and I mean it. So go ahead and kill as many homeless people as you want, I truly won't care."

Namjoon glared, baring his teeth. "And I'm supposed to believe that? You'll just let me go without telling anyone?"

"Yes." Yoongi said honestly. "I'll let you think about it."

He set a large canister filled with water by the boy's feet. "Kick this over to put out the fire if it ever gets out of hand. Otherwise, I'll be back in the morning. Hopefully we'll have a deal by then."

Namjoon watched in disbelief as Yoongi grabbed his things and walked to the door.

Struggling, he called out, "You can't fucking be serious!"

Yoongi stopped and turned around. "Oh, you're right."

He walked back and picked up a roll of duct tape. Ripping off a piece, he pressed it tightly over the killer boys mouth with a smirk.

"There. Have a good night, Namjoon."

He shut and locked the doors behind him, and Namjoon had never been more angry in his life.

After he got out of this, he was going to kill Min Yoongi.

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