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Thank you all for the sweet messages! It really means the world to me that you guys are so understanding and loving! Let's try to make this a successful comeback!


Melody followed Seokjin around for a little while before running to her room, turning and getting dressed. The situations that made her turn weren't solved yet, but she wasn't of much use to anyone as a cat. Except maybe as a fluffy pillow...

Namjoon had left Jungkook's room (which was thankfully still in tact) and was in the livingroom discussing the situation with 5 other members. Seokjin was still too shaken up to join them, and so Melody joined him.

Closing the bedroom door behind herself she found Seokjin just where she had left him; lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What exactly is going on?" Melody asked, knowing the full answer would be too much to give .

"We got invited to your dad's wedding." the eldest answered, clearly avoiding eye contact.

"Oh." Melody wasn't sure what to think. Her dad had always seemed more like a classical music type of guy to her, but thinking back she couldn't remember him ever even mentioning music. 

"Namjoon thinks we should go. He sais it will be great publicity." 

"I mean, the wedding did get mentioned on the news..." Melody wasn't sure how she felt about the situation it was as if for a moment her body forgot feelings even existed.

"But wouldn't you be hurt?" Seokjin asked, finally feeling it was ok to look at the girl beside him. "I mean, it's your father's wedding."

"I don't know" Melody answered honestly. "I've got more pressing things to worry about I guess." Melody turned on her stomach, resting on her elbows. "I do know you need to stop worrying about others so much."

The bright blue eyes tried to make contact with the brown ones next to them, but once again Seokjin was avoiding the look in her eyes.

"You need to start doing what you want, so that you can stop worrying, so we don't have to worry about you." Melody was almost whispering making it clear these were her heartfelt emotions meant for Seokjin, and no one else. "I know this fight wasn't just about this wedding. You have been coming home tense for the last few weeks now. Your mood getting worse and worse after every practice. We're not blind, and you are not invisible."

Melody left her older friend to think about her words as she escaped to Yoongi's room; she needed to be alone for a moment.

It was hard not to feel the tension in her own body right now. The girl looked at the phone in her hand and the message that had had her on edge all day. Stressed enough that one scream could turn her. Her entire feeling of safety seemed to disappear every time she got bad news and for a split second all the negatives in her head started to pile up:

Grandpa thinks I'm dead

Grandpa thinks mom has gone crazy

Mom thinks I'm dead

Mom wants me dead

Mom loves me

Dad thinks I'm dead

Dad left mom

Dad is getting married to someone else

She hadn't seen Seul-ki in a while

Charlie got fired

Melody herself got fired

Just as she was about to drown in her problems, her life jacket arrived as the bedroom door opened.

"You ok?" Yoongi's voice asked in a soft tone.

Melody nodded and decided to pull the band-aid off in one swoop. 

"I lost my job. They messaged me today."

 Her boyfriend was silent for a few seconds as he sat down next to her and searched for the right words to say.

"It's a good thing you live with millionaires then." he tried to joke before consoling again. "You can take your time, you will find a new place that you will like even more."

A silence followed, only to be broken when Yoongi changed the subject.

"So how do you feel about the whole wedding thing?" Yoongi had kept himself out of the argument all day, deciding he wouldn't agree or disagree until Melody had given him her take.

"It seems like a good business deal." Melody answered and her boyfriend nodded.

"It is, but that's not what I'm asking."

"I don't know how I feel about him, or this marriage. But you guys should go."

Melody looked Yoongi in the eyes to make sure he was listening to every word she said.

 "Don't let me hold you back. Ever."


It's a ok size part, not as long as I had hoped, but I finally wrote again!

it's the middle of the night right now, but I suddenly really felt the need to write. It was such a familiar, but unfamiliar feeling like I had just regained something... I can't quite explain...

But I'm really happy to be back again!

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