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 he seemed quite nice, just like Yoongi had said. Passionate, but not too outspoken. Smart and kind, but definitely too shy to ever be able to receive my fathers acceptance.

He smelled of a soft lavender which was only really noticeable if you leaned on him like Melody was now doing. After deciding to accept her new brother she had found a comfortable spot near him and rested her head on the outside of his leg. Her fur really had gotten all over his clothes as he continued petting her, but as he had said before: he really didn't care.

' I wonder what his mother is like'  Melody thought as she got more and more tired, lying there feeling the calming strokes of fingers stroking her back.

"She must be really tired from traveling." Cheng noted looking down at the cat that slowly but surely closed her eyes.

The others looked down at the cat, having been distracted by their conversation before.

"Let's not fall asleep here." Yoongi said, taking the cat from between him and Cheng and lifting her in his arms. "We can't have you holding us hostage when we have an important lunch to go to, now can we?"

' Let me sleeeeeep! Do you know how stressed I was before coming here?'  But Melody understood, getting too comfortable could traumatize the boy sitting next to her in more ways than one.

"Speaking of lunch, we should probably leave soon." Hoseok said, looking at the watch on his wrist. The others nodded in agreement and got up to get ready. It seemed none of the eight boys really felt like going though.

"Is she coming with us?" Cheng asked, pointing at the cat.

"Do you think that will be ok?" Namjoon and Seokjin asked in unison.

"Mom loves cats! And though I've never seen it, I think my step-dad might even have one."

Melody looked up. 'Dad cares about animals?  He never let me have a pet...'

"What do you think? Do you want to join us?" Yoongi asked the feline in his hands.


"I'll take that as a yes." Yoongi smiled, happy that Melody seemed more and more ok about seeing her family . "I do have to go downstairs to get her carrier though. So she has a place to go to when it get's too much."

Everyone agreed and Cheng seemed impressed by the thoughtfulness of his idols. They sure did care about animals.


"Who is this?" a strange voice with a honey tone of sweetness asked. 

They had arrived at the greenhouse once more, but it had been completely re-decorated for this wedding lunch. There was a long table where the walkway had been, and everything was decorated in white with colorful butterflies. It was clear that a lot of effort had gone in to this.

"This is my cat Melody, I hope you don't mind that I brought her with us." Yoongi explained in a apologetic manner.

"Of course not! I love animals! Do make sure that she doesn't harm any of my butterflies though." The woman said with the same sparkle in her eyes that she had had the day before. Was she just always this happy?

The boys looked around and noted that indeed a few of the butterflies were actually alive and flying around. 

" How much effort did this lady put into this?" Melody wondered, impressed by what had been done to the place. There was no chance that her dad had done this.

Melody remembered the greenhouse from when she was younger, visiting her family here in Russia. It had been so different then; the windows almost green from neglect, and the plants closer to brown due to the lack of care and sunlight. It was clear that someone had started to care about this previously abandoned place on the family estate.

The moment she was let out of her carrier Melody started to walk around. Some of the same plants were still there, but in much better shape and a lot larger due to the passing of time.

On the left side of the big dome-like structure there was a small patio where Luna used to hide, reading books and staying out of peoples way. Now, the stone table and accompanying bench had been replaced with a big potted plant. Tall enough that the average sized human could barely look over it.

Unknowingly Melody led the others to it, mesmerized by the beauty of the white flowers.

"It's a moonflower." Cheng informed them. "Mom was told this was my step-sisters favorite spot."

The white porcelain pot that matched the flowers in their beauty had a single word carved into it.


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