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"Where is all the canned fish?!" Jin yelled, frantically searching through the cabinets.

"It wasn't me!" yelled Jungkook, who was the first to meet Jin's eye.

"I only fed the cat once! I learned my lesson the last time you yelled at me!" Jin still seemed to suspect the maknae, but he let it go. He had to admit he had been quite angry with the three youngest the last time they emptied the fish out of the cabinet.

the second day at the dorm Jin had had a quite similar freak-out over the canned fish, only then the three youngest had looked a lot more guilty than they did now. That was the day the group decided to give in to the property managements pleads and not feed the cat anymore.

"Well, I was sure we had one more can of fish in here, and now I can't find it!" Jin stubbornly said. More to the air than anything.

"Maybe you used it?" Yoongi yawned, tired from being tired.

Jin stared into the cabinet trying to think of when he could have used it, but no matter what he did, he couldnt think of anything.


The little white cat slowly jogged towards the group the moment they left the building. The boys would have loved to play with it, or just pet it even, but they had an interview to go to and they shouldnt get cat hair on their black designer clothes.

"When will they get that cat away from here?!" A woman next to them yelled, and the cat quickly ran and hid.

"They have been after that cat for months now. Cant they get someone from the pound to catch that stray?" The woman seemed genuinely upset about the cute little stray walking around asking for a pat every now and again. The man she was talking to just nodded, seemingly used to the woman's extreme measures and sighed.

"I will see if they can finally come send it to the pound." he said without much emotion in his voice.

"I don't want it sent to the pound! I want it killed!" The woman stomped. Her attitude similar to that of a four year old not invited to a birthday party.

"Of course dear."

Kitty - BTS ( Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now