Chapter 2

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Yeosang wanted to die. He had just woken up and he lay on his bed staring at his ceiling that held tons of glow in the dark stars. So embarrassing to faint on the person he hadn't even properly met. And even more embarrassing to know that the portrait was not the cause of his passing out. 

"I can not believe my brain thinks he's beautiful," Yeosang groaned, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow. "I mean, he's kinda pretty but I didn't think he was stunning enough to make me pass out!"

By the looks of it, it was around three in the evening and the perfect time to go take a walk. Slowly, he got up and headed down the stairs where he found his Mother mixing up something in a pot.



"I want to take a walk."

"Okay, just be careful, alright? You've already fainted twice today and due to the same reason, may I add."

Yeosang groaned, letting his head hit against a wall.

"I don't even know why I fainted! I didn't think it was enough for that to happen," Yeosang sighed, walking over to where his mother was cooking and clapped in glee when he saw apples floating in a syrupy type of mixture. "Apple pie?!"

"Yup! I'm making one for the neighbours as well. You might end up taking it, just letting you know."

Yeosang grumbled a little bit before walking out of the house, ensuring he had his phone before heading to a nearby park.

The evening was lovely. The sun wasn’t out since the clouds did an amazing job at hiding it and the wind wasn't too strong nor was it too slow. It was just right. There were no birds that would caw too loudly and disturb Yeosang's little peaceful bubble and for that, he was grateful.

Upon reaching the park, he took a seat on a swing and plugged in his headphones before slowly moving the contraption with his eyes closed. This is what he called a perfect life.

No work. No stress. No people bothering him. No loud noises. No fainting. No flaws on his visuals. What could possibly go wrong?

Turns out, a lot of things could go wrong if you aren't paying attention to what you do nor pay attention to where you look. That was when Yeosang found himself walking home with a bruised cheek.

As he was calmly swinging away while listening to his extremely top quality music, a child ended up running into his back, resulting in him losing his balance and face planting into the ground where he ended up hitting his face. Out of his list of no's, he ended up receiving mild stress over the fact that he was hurt, people bothering him, loud noises from the child who started crying for no damn reason, and flaws on his visuals.

It was a disaster. He wished to bury the child in an area no one would ever find it. How dare it have the audacity to not look where it ran and bump into him?

He trudged into his house with loud steps and disdain to know that he had a visible bruise. It was a nightmare. 

"What happened?!" Mrs Kang asked, rushing to her son to examine the large purple spot on his cheekbone once he stepped into the kitchen to announce his presence.

"A gremlin touched me."

Mrs Kang lightly chuckled, heading over to a small cabinet that contained medical supplies. Honestly, Yeosang never knew why they needed all those supplies but whatever. He assumed it was just his Father bringing home everything the hospital had since he was a doctor.

She lightly cleaned the surface of the bruise and then applied ointment to reduce swelling and speed the healing process.

"Why do you think you fainted because of Jongho?" Mrs Kang suddenly asked as she spread the ointment evenly.

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