🌶️Chapter 18🌶️

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Yeosang turned down the volume once he got closer home and butterflies erupted in his stomach when he saw Jongho's vehicle in the drive. Getting everyone's attention, the blue haired male honked the horn several times, waiting for someone to emerge from within the house.

He didn't have to wait long and both front doors flew open. The Kang household revealing both Mr and Mrs Kang and the Choi household revealing Jongho in a white Tee and a pair of khaki shorts with the elder Choi's coming out behind him.

Yeosang waved at them, getting ready to emerge with his scandalous clothing. Opening the door, he hid behind it, making sure his shorts were on properly and his crop top was set.

"Hello!" Yeosang chirped, closing the door and appreciating the way everyone's jaws dropped.

He didn't care how his parents looked at the moment, he was focused on Jongho who suddenly had a lust-like expression on his face upon seeing the younger.

Yeosang couldn't take the longing in his chest anymore and made a run for it, meeting Jongho halfway who also ran to meet up with his boyfriend.

Yeosang jumped, wrapping his legs around the younger waist, feeling his ass being grabbed to be held up.

"I missed you so much!" Yeosang cried, not waiting for a reply and attaching his mouth against the younger ones.

Jongho responded immediately, squeezing his boyfriend's ass as Yeosang pulled his head closer to deepen. They didn't care that their parents were watching in shock and proceeded to heavily make out on the front yard.

Yeosang's vision was getting blurry but he pushed on, wanting more. He hadn't felt that type of dizziness before and he assumed it was his bond acting up, not knowing how to respond after being deprived of such affection for nearly an entire month.

A throat being loudly cleared interrupted their make-out session, successfully making Yeosang pull away with a string of saliva attached to his and Jongho's mouth.

"I would like to know how this happened," Mr Kang loudly spoke, saying the words everyone wanted to ask.

"I promise I'll tell you later," Yeosang said, unwrapping his legs from his boyfriend's waist, "but for now I'll see you later. Jongho and I have to talk. We'll soon be back Mr and Mrs Choi!"

With that, Yeosang grabbed his boyfriend's hand, pulling him towards the vehicle and ushering him to the driver's seat. The only reason Yeosang wanted him to drive was because he wanted to relax and have his thigh grabbed.

The two waved at their parents and at Gunho who stood on the porch a bit shocked and uncertain at the entire ordeal.

As hoped, Jongho slid his hand onto Yeosang's bare thigh, squeezing it lightly and occasionally slapping it.

"I fucking missed you," Jongho sighed, "you have no idea how hard that was. I spent days trying to distract myself but it didn't work. After our time together, I suddenly needed you way more than ever."

A fond smile came over Yeosang and he placed his hand over the one that was on his thigh.

"Now imagine me. There were times where I thought of you for so long I nearly passed out BUT I did manage to increase my staring time so there's that," Yeosang said in pride.

"That's great! Now, where do you want to go? I'm just driving aimlessly and not to mention I still don't know this place so well."

Yeosang hadn't thought that far. He just wanted to get away and talk with his boyfriend. He remained quiet for a while, trying to figure out where he wanted to go.

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