Chapter 13

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"OH MY GOD! THIS IS AMAZING!" the girls screeched, rushing over and grabbing Yeosang by his arms to take him to wherever they got ready. "And your hair is fab! So what changed your mind!?"

Yeosang wanted to regret joining. Their joyful nature was too much for him.

"My crush is on the team," he answered blandly.

"Oh my god! The cheer team?! Or the football team?!"

Eleven eager girls stood around him waiting for an answer and he shrugged his shoulders, not telling them.

"I'm not gonna tell you. Just know that I'll be here for this season only."

In seconds, Yeosang had been placed in the cheer outfit and he nearly cried. He knew it would require wearing a mini-skirt and a long-sleeved crop top but he didn't think it would feel so revealing. At least he had a pair of knee-length socks that hid most of his legs.

"Hesus fuck. I'll need to do a drag tuck so my dick doesn't bulge through," Yeosang blurted out as he examined himself in a mirror in the girls changing room.

The girls looked at him mortified and he shrugged his shoulders as if it were a completely normal statement.

"I’m sorry but what's a drag tuck?" One of the girls asked, immediately receiving numerous looks that begged her to be quiet but she had already spoken.

In truth, they were all curious but they weren't sure if they were supposed to ask him such questions. They knew Yeosang wasn't exactly fond of people and could suddenly decide to leave if they became unbearable.

"It's just basically pushing my balls up and taping my dick to the back so that my front looks flat and smooth and as if I was born without testicles," Yeosang deadpanned, not caring if he had just scared the girls. "If you look closely at this skirt, don't look closely though or I might have to slap you, you can see that my dick has an outline because it's kind of a close fit."

None of the girls looked at the area but simply nodded, really wanting to check for themselves and see if they could actually see an outline.

Yeosang walked out the room, wanting to get his practice over with and done. He didn't miss the way that the girls all tried to sneakily look at his crotch to hunt for the outline and widened their eyes once they could, in fact, see a dick print.

"Please stop staring at my dick and let's get this over with," Yeosang sighed forty-five minutes later. "I have to call my crush today and still get my homework over with."

And so practice ended half an hour later and he felt good that he had managed to retain the moves in his brain.

His call with Jongho was satisfying and it took a lot for him to not mention the game or the fact that he was becoming a cheerleader. All of that would have to be a surprise. 

His hair was complimented and he beamed at the words, feeling happy that Jongho liked it.

Less than two weeks were left until the game and the cheerleaders crammed in practice at the most random times. Yunho had come to watch him occasionally and sneakily took pictures of the male during the practice.

"You look hot," Yunho commented one day after practice. "I'm sure Jongho would drool at the sight of you."

All the tall male felt was water being thrown at him and Yeosang staring with wide eyes.

"You weren't supposed to say the name!" Yeosang hissed. "The girls have been bothering me about who my crush is since day one!"

"Oops?" Yunho replied with a sheepish smile, hoping the girls didn't hear but unfortunately, several of them heard.

"Wait, your crush is Choi Jongho?! Oh my god, that's so scandalous! Y'know, the whole school rivalry thing and all and because he's our quarterbacks biggest threat!"

"I don't know anything about positions so all I can say is that's tough but one word out of any of you, and I'll drop out of this cheer thing," Yeosang threatened.

The girls quickly nodded, motioning themselves zipping their mouths closed.

Yeosang was tired and suggested they end early to which they all agreed. He headed back to his dorm in his outfit. He wasn't in the mood to change and so he endured countless catcalls. 

Of course, he ignored them all but he didn’t like them. He only wanted one person and one person only to catcall him. But he didn't want to admit it. At least he had Yunho who glared at them and protectively laid a hand on the shorter male’s shoulder.

It was only two more days until he would have to leave to go to the game and he felt butterflies going off inside of him. He would leave on Friday evening and then waste time on Saturday until five-thirty. He would then start getting ready in time for six when the game would start. 

He had learned how to tuck and he could admit it felt great. The skirt fit him wonderfully and it made him want to start cross-dressing every now and then. He didn't plan on making it permanent but it was fun. Mayhaps high waisted shorts and a crop top were as far as he wanted to go besides the occasional skirt but he didn't want to do it often. 

Yunho became his number one hype man, always being there for Yeosang during practice except on some days when he would go and support Mingi. Yeosang came to find out the two were serious about their dating and he thought they were adorable together. 

Friday came and soon enough, Yeosang found himself behind his vehicle steering wheel and on his way to Jongho's university. He managed to get a room close by and so he was excited. Yunho and Mingi were also leaving but they would be taking Yunho's vehicle and would be staying in a room beside Yeosang.

The blue haired male was excited. He would be seeing Jongho for the first time in three months and he couldn't wait. He just hoped his fainting hadn't returned during the time they were away. It would be a shame if he suddenly passed out on the field upon spotting the black-haired male and knowing Jongho, he would instantly check on him if he realized what had happened even if that meant stopping in the middle of the game.

He just hoped that he would get through the game safely and without any mistakes.

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