Chapter 6

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Yeosang awoke to someone gently shaking him. He was sure if it was his Mother and rolled away with a groan, pulling his blanket further up and over his head.

"Noooo! Please let me sleep! I promise I'll do the dishes later."

The person lightly chuckled and Yeosang realized it was, in fact, not his Mother but a male.

"Father? How early is it if you’re the one waking me up?" Yeosang groaned. "If you want to take me to work, I don't want to go so leave me here."

"Yeosang, it's me, the one who brings overwhelming emotions into you," the person laughed.

Yeosang went still under his sheet and he opened his eyes. His gaze meeting his blanket that was over his head.

"I swear if it's you Jongho, I will instantly die."

The voice chuckled again and slowly pulled down the blanket, revealing the one and only Choi Jongho.  Yeosang immediately pulled the blanket back up to cover his face, feeling his skin burn and hearing the way Jongho laughed. It was an angelic laugh and he wanted to hear it again but that would have to be for another time.

"Stupid! Now imagine I would have fainted?! It would have been your fault!"

"Isn't it always my fault?" Jongho asked, getting bold and sitting beside the male on the bed. "Come on, sleepy head. We start today with trying to cure your disease or whatever you say it is."

“Can you shut up? I'm trying to ignore the fact that you are on the same bed as me and I could pass out any second if I so much as look at you for two seconds,” Yeosang mumbled, pushing the younger from under the blanket but failed to move him. "And it’s a Syndrome, not a disease you stupid head."

“That's why I'm here. To help you,” Jongho attempted to comfort, completely ignoring the last remark. “Mayhaps if you look at my chest instead of my face then you won't be affected or you can look at least up to my neck.”

Yeosang felt himself grow heated under his amazing blanket. Look at his chest? Oh hell no. He didn't want to get flustered over the younger's chest so early in the morning and the fact that he knew what it felt like was even worse.

What if he got morning wood right there? It would be so damn embarrassing.

“How about I get ready first and then we can start whatever you had planned or do we just sit while I awkwardly stare at your neck?” Yeosang asked, hoping that both of his suggestions were fabulous plans.

“The first one, preferably, but hurry up. It's already eleven and you're still in bed from when you passed out last night.”

With a groan and a series of uncomfortable movements and shifting, Yeosang pulled himself out of bed. He ruffled his brown hair, making it even messier than it had been and stretched while he attempted to keep the satisfying moans to a minimum and keep his shirt from riding up when he lifted his arms.


Nearly an hour later when Yeosang had finally finished getting dressed and cleaned up, the two sat in the living room on the sofa facing each other but not looking at the one in front of them.

Well, Jongho stared at the older with no shame and the brown-haired male looked anywhere but at the younger.

"Now how do you expect to get better if you won’t even glance at me?"

"Can you remain silent? I'm trying to not freak out."

Jongho laughed at the reaction and leaned back into his seat, examining the male before him. He noticed the way Yeosang was fumbling with his fingers in an uncertain manner and the way his brown hair fell over his forehead, hiding the beauty underneath it.

Stendhal's Syndrome - JongSang ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now