Chapter 12

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After Dumbledore does some last min announcements.  He let the students go to and they all followed percy to their dorm room.

" Here are ur dorm" He said after they enter when the fat lady portrait swing open. " Girls dorms are that way..boys are this way. If u need help with anything on school work come to any of ur perfect or to Professor McGonagall.  She is the Head of the house."

After they went up, Abithi looks at her new room excitedly. Everything was placed except for her dragons bed. She opens her trunk and place the  bed next to her.

" U have a dog?" Hermoine asked seeing the bed.

" not really and yes Dumbledore know and they are trained. Just don't tell anyone else." She tells to paravti and lavender as well. She removed the cloth from the cage and opens the door. The three dragons flew out making the girls squeal.

" YOU HAVE DRAGONS?!" Lavender squealed as firestorm when close to her.

" Firesahi...namur..sisba..." She spoke the dragon language and firestorm flew back to her.

" What did u just spoke?" Hermoine asked

" Dragon language..." Abithi said

" I read about them...only dragon Lords can speak that language. They are the only tamers to dragons.Your a dragon lord!!!" She said

" So is my dad!!" She said.

" can u tell me more ?" Hermoine asked

" love too but....goodnight!!!" She goes to sleep

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