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-y/n is seven in this story
-She is Natasha's daughter
-y/n gets stuck on her school work and some of the avengers try to help

Btw I do not speak Russian and just used google translate so if it's wrong, I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me if you know Russian☺️☺️


My mum has homeschooled me ever since I was four. She says it's because public school teaches things that are unimportant and irrelevant to life. Mum also says that you learn slower in school and that one I agree with. I'm only seven but am doing stuff a ten year old would be doing in public school.

It's Thursday afternoon and I'm sitting at my desk doing my school work. Each morning my mum tells me what I have to that day and gives me all the books and worksheets I'll need. This morning she was teaching me about fractions which hurt my head. They are quite confusing but mum says I'll get the hang of them. After maths I had swimming lessons just like every Thursday. I'm a quite good swimmer now but mum says I need to get even better. She says that I need to be able to swim for a long time and hold my breath for at least three minutes. Because mum wants me to improve my swimming, I have to work hard which tires me out. So on a Thursday I have a relaxed afternoon. Most of the time it's either reading or Russian. I much prefer it when it's reading but because I complained too much at swimming this morning, mum gave me Russian work.

I hover my pencil above the piece of paper as I try my hardest to think. On the worksheet is a bunch of Russian sentences that I have to translate to English and write down just beneath. The first two I managed easily but I can't remember what the next sentence means. I recognise a few words like '" but most of the the other words I have forgotten.

After five or so minutes of searching my brain, I give up and let out a sigh. I pick up my pencil and worksheet before hopping off my chair. Running across the room, I open my bedroom door which opens out into the corridor. Directly opposite my door is my mum's so I walk over and knock. There's no rely so I knock again.

"Mum?" I shout through the door. "I need help." Once again, no reply. "Mama?"

I wait a few minutes but nobody answers so I make my down the corridor. Once I reach the elevator, I push the button and it arrives with a ding. Inside, I tell it to take me to the living area and the doors close. The elevator goes down for a few seconds before opening again. I step out and walk down the corridor to the kitchen/lounge.

"Mum?" I shout as I enter the room.

"Hey y/n! What's up?" Steve is sitting on the couch with Sam watching tv.

"Have you seen my mum?"

"She's on a mission right now but she should be back soon." Steve replies.

"Oh, okay."

"Can we help you right now?" Sam asks.

"I'm stuck on my school work." I say holding up the sheet of paper.

"Well I'm sure we can help with that. Come show us." Steve and Sam sit up on the sofa and shuffle sideways making a space in between them. I go over and squeeze into the space.

"Right, what you stuck on?" Sam asks leaning over the piece of paper.

"Russian." I reply.

I look up at Sam and Steve and they are looking at the worksheet as if it was from an alien planet. Their eyes are full of confusion and Sam lets out a sigh.

"Sorry y/n, I've got no idea. Steve?"

"Nope sorry kid." He says laying back in defeat.

"What's going on here?" Tony calls out as he walks into the kitchen. He begins making himself a cup of coffee.