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-y/n is 15 in this story
-Contains a tiny bit of swearing
-y/n gets bullied and gets help from the marvel cast


It's the end of the school day and I'm headed to my locker to put away my books from last period. As I turn the corner into the corridor where my destination is located, I see my worst nightmare. The groups of girls who bully me are standing right next to my locker. Normally I would turn around and just leave without putting away my books but I don't have my maths homework with me and it's due tomorrow. I have to go past them, I have to get my stuff.

I take a deep breath before making my way down the corridor. As I reach the group of girls, I try to keep my head down in hopes they won't notice it's me. Obviously it doesn't work because one of them slams my books out of my hand. They all laugh as I scramble to pick up all the sheets of paper that have flown out and are now all over the floor.

Once I manage to pull together all my notes, I stand back up and am faced with the leader of the group, Rebecca. She looks at me and pouts. "Aww she looks like she's gonna cry." The girls erupt in another fit of laughter as Rebecca flashes me a fake smile. I take deep breaths to try calm the anger building up inside me. Suddenly, another voice speaks up.

"What's going on here girls?" I turn to see Miss Keller the PE teacher standing with her arms crossed. She raises an eyebrow at the group of girls. "Well?"

"Oh, we were just planning a shopping trip with our friend y/n. Weren't we girls?" Rebeccas says as she smiles at Miss Keller.

"Oh yeah."


"Yeah, that's right."

The other three girls all agree with Rebecca with their fakest smiles. I have no idea how but Miss Keller says okay and moves one. Could she not tell how they were obviously lying?

"Cmon guys, let's not waste only more time of this little piece of shit." Rebecca says as she begins to walk away. The other girls follow behind her like she's some sort of goddess, honestly I don't see it. Nevertheless, I'm glad they've left me alone. I put my books in my locker and take out what I need before closing it and heading out of school


"y/n honey!"

I look up from my maths homework as I hear my mom calling me from the other room.

"Yeah mom!?" I call back.

"Could you come here for me please!?"

Closing my book and placing down my pen, I get up from my desk and head through to the kitchen where my mom is. I flash her a smile and ask what she needs me for.

"I forgot to pick up my prescription today. I need to make dinner so I was wondering if you could nip down to the mall and pick it up for me please."

"Yeah sure." I reply.

"Aww thank you. You're a life saver."

My mom gives me a note of her prescription and I grab a jacket before heading out of our apartment. It's just a small place because it's only me and mom but it's home. I make my way down the stairs and begin my walk to the mall.

The weather outside is sunny but kind of chilly so I'm glad I took a jacket. I hum to myself as I walk down the streets and after around ten minutes, I arrive at the mall. Since we live in quite a quiet area, our mall is small. It still has two floors but it's small.

I make my way through the crowds of people until I arrive at the pharmacy on the second floor. After waiting a few minutes, I make it to the front of the queue and hand the pharmacist the note my mom gave me. She fiddles about under the counter for a moment before returning with a white paper bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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