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  So when Kristine and I used to hang out before this dating thing we asked each other who we have crushes on, as you already know I still like Jasper, but she told me she likes Emanuel Rodriguez. We go way back in fourth grade when we were really close I went to his house he went to mine, until he had to move to New Jersey, I didn't have other friends to hang with until I met the gang and the "couple". And since Emanuel had a crush on Kristine I had a plan. So I meet Emanuel at the park on the same days the "couple" goes on, the plan was to act like we were dating, when the "couple" sees us Kristine will get jealous and breakup with Jasper and try to break me and Emanuel's fake relationship. Then boom Jasper is free. So one day we arrived at the park seeing Kristine and Jasper near the bench so we sit on the grass just spying on them but they don't notice. So to get thier attention I tell Emanuel that "I will laugh as if you told me a joke ", so I laughed and the next thing I knew Kristine got up as she got up Jasper was watching her, she got up and smacked me in the face hard, as she walked away I tried to jump her but as I jumped Emanuel grabbed me. When he grabbed me I got a piece of Kristine's green hair. But when she walked back to the bench she looked at me and started to kiss Jasper, as they kissed I was running to Emanuel's house as I am running I feel tears falling down my face. When I arrived at the house I went into the house and ran to kitchen to get some ice cream and a spoon and cry. As Emanuel walked inside the house he saw me finishing the tub of ice cream he just bought. He got an extra spoon and stole the ice cream away from me and laughed. I asked if I could stay the night after all I do live next door to him. All I could think about was why the hell would Kristine do such a thing. After a few minutes I stared to cry again and Emanuel saw me crying and hugged me and told me it's gonna be okay.
        ~ In Jasper's POV ~
"Why the hell would you do that Kristine" Jasper said, "I don't know I was just in the mood to kiss you babe" she said,"ok first of im not ready to be in this kind of relationship, that's  it om breaking up with you","fine I'll just date Emanuel I never really liked you any way","but how are you gonna do that isn't he dating Stacy","I'll find a way to break them up", she says with a smirk.
             ~Stacy's POV~
  "Hey um Emanuel don't you have a feeling that Jasper likes me","IDK","why are you so mad, are you jealous", I say with a smile."yes, so what I like Kristine she might want to date me one day","what ever".
POV - point of view

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