Chapter 3: Wake up call

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Kokichi Pov:

Everything hurts....

What... Happened?

Oh wait.

Im dead.

At least... I think?

I open my eyes only to quickly shut them again after being hit by a bright light. I waited a moment and reopened them.

There was a room, it was all white. And I was in a hospital bed.

I look over to my right. There's a blue curtain, as you would see in a hospital.
I hear a strange noise come from behind it. Panic seizes me. I gather my courage and Rip the curtain open.

Kaito pov:


I dont feel dead.
But i died...


I open my eyes. A hospital? Cool.


A searing headache hits. Must have been the pressure in space or something.

All of a sudden the curtain beside me is ripped open and I let out a scream.

Kokichi pov:

I rip the curtain open and hear a high pitched girly scream. I open my eyes.

He seemed to calm down. Well, a little.
"KOKICHI?! Aren't you dead? I watched you die! What the fuck?"

I said paused then said " you scream like a girl."

His face turned bright red. "NO I DO NOT!!"

I let a laugh escape me. He does too. Soon enough, we're both laughing our asses off!

Once we stopped squawking like dying crows, We decided to assess the situation.

"So do you know where we are?" Kaito asks. I shake my head." Where ever we are, its a hospital." I respond. He looks at me with a face that says 'thanks captain obvious'. I snicker.

Kaito sighs and gets out of the bed. I do the same. We head to the door at the head of the room and try it. Locked. " maybe theres a key somewhere?" Kaito says. "What is this, an escape room?!" I reply. "Its worth a look!!" He shouts.

I roll my eyes and go to look around. There's nothing to search! The room is practically empty. I look under the bed so it looks like im trying.

To my surprise, theres a lock box. Its open. " HEY SPACE SHIT! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!"

Kaito pov:

Kokichi calls me over. Or rather he insults me over. I walk up to him and see a lock box in his hands. He opens it, and low and behold, theres a key!  "WhAt iS tHiS aN eScAPe roOm?" I say mockingly. Kokichi frowns and walks up to the door.

I watch as he unlocks the door and opens it.


"What the hell."

I was surprised. I thought we were in a hospital. But no. Behind the door is a rustic looking mansion interior. I look straight ahead to what Kokichi was staring at. There was a giant monokuma head that was also a clock. It was counting down.

The announcement system this place apparently has comes on and we hear the voice of someone we never wanted to hear again.

'Welcome Victim and Blackened, to the Final stretch! You have passed away, this place is a test of brains to see if you deserve to go back! Yes folks, you heard it here! I said you can go back if you can open the front door of the house! Located on the first floor, not to be mistaken for the basement. This is your ex- headmaster, Monokuma, and this is your end of year test! Or as I like to call it, The Bonus round!  If time runs out,then you both die for good! Good luck boys! You'll need it!'

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