chapter 8: Crushing pressure

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Kaito POV:

I didnt get a wink of sleep last night. I was up all night thinking about....


It feels weird saying it, knowing that I like him now.

God I feel like crap. Im so tired I can barely move.

Kokichi POV:

I wake up to Kaito mumbling to himself. I sit up.

"You look terrible."

He glares at me for a moment before Looking down like he was flustered.


I was taken aback.


He doesn't look up. I get off of my bed, limp over, and sit myself on the edge of his. He sits up.

"Can i help you?"

I make a face.

"Jeez, someone's grumpy! Tell ya what, come downstairs, and ill make you breakfast again!" I say.

He smiles. "Ok, but let me help. You shouldn't be doing to much with that leg."

I laugh " thank you so much my knight in shining armor~!"

He blushes again, smiling, and he picks me up bridal style to carry me downstairs.

I laugh. This is kinda nice.

(Timeskip to after breakfast because Im sad today)

Kaito POV:

Kokichi and I decided to go back to the pool later in the day to check out whatever was at the bottom.

Apparently upon falling into the abyss they call a pool here, Kokichi saw something shiny at the bottom and wanted to see if it was useful.

As I walked, I noticed Kokichi limping.

"You okay?" I asked.

He looked surprised for a moment, but quickly smiled. " Yeah yeah! All good space cadet!"


I have to admit, being around Kokichi became a lot easier after I admitted to myself that I liked him. However, that doesn't mean I don't want to jump off a cliff and die because of it.

We make it to the pool room and Kokichi keeps his distance from the edge. I look over into the pool.

Just As Kokichi had described, Something Silver and shiny was at the bottom. It could have been the drain plug, but it just didn't sit right with me.

Kokichi POV:

"Im going in."

I look up.
"You serious? Fully clothed? I- ok, good luck, and dont take forever!"

He rolls his eyes at me. But in a nice way?

"Ill be here!" I say smiling.

Kaito smiles back.

"Okay, Kichi." He says as he jumps in.

I feel my face turn 50 different shades of red.


I feel like exploding. But in a good way, if thats possible.

I know damn well I can't mask this shit.
If he says or does one more strangely adorable thing, I might Bury myself alive.

Kaito resurfaces. He's got that dumb ' I did it!' Smile on his face.

He climbs out of the pool. " Did ya miss Me?" He asks flirtatiously.

"Not really, wish ya drowned." I say jokingly.

He laughs. "Look what I found~!"
He says as he waves a key ring with two keys attached to it in my face.

I snatch them and begin to examine them, seeing if there are any clues as to which fucking door this is for.

Kaito sighs next to me. I turn to him and notice that He's basically NAKED!

All he has on is a towel around his waist.
Thats it.
Im burying myself alive.

He looks at me and smiles. " Problem?"

I shake my head and go back to studying the keys.
Is this idiot flirting with me?

He walks off to the showers and I sit there contemplating my life.

Why was this bothering me so much?

All he had done was get changed.

And give me a nickname.

And be himself.

I grimaced as I realized what was wrong with me.

Aw shit.

Im in love with that stupid idiot.

Word count: 632 :)

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