Chapter 9: its Hard to hide from love

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~Timeskip, they are now looking for the doors for the keys~

Kokichi POV:

Kaito and I tried just about every door in the house, and to no appeal.

And yet he still seemed calm, and somewhat happy. 

We found the first door after what felt like ages. It was the key to the basement .

Kaito's face quickly changed to a look of discomfort.

"You good over there?" I ask him, genuinely concerned.

He smiles nervously. " No," he admits, " I hate basements dude. This is how horror movies start!"

I laugh and open the door. Im pretty squeamish myself, but It can't be that bad.

Oh its bad.

A long creaky staircase leads down into a dark, narrow corridor that you can't even see the end of. And to top it off, it smelled like rotting corpses.

"Well, ladies first." I say as I push Kaito into the stairway before me.

"You little shit!" He squeals.
I laugh.

"You know I may not look it, but im probably more terrified than you."

I say looking down the narrow corridor.

Cue my claustrophobia.

Kaito POV:

I raise an eyebrow.


Kokichi nods.

I step down and realise that the stairway could fit both of us. So I grabbed Kokichi by the hand and pulled him down beside me.

"Now we both have to suffer."

He pouts. He's so cute...

We walk down the stairs and start down the corridor.

I step on a floorboard and it creaks loudly. Kokichi tightens his grip on my hand, which I guess he'd forgotten to let go of. But I wasn't complaining.

I glance at his face. He looks about ready to be sick!!

"You good Kichi?" I asked.

Colour came back to his face, leaving it a light pink.

" two things. One, Whats with the nickname? And two, do you smell that??" He asked, emphasizing on the second question.

I smelled the air. It smelled bad I guess, but nothing worth noting.

"What do you smell exactly?" I ask him, curiously.

He almost gags on his words as we approach the end of the corridor.
"R-rotting Corpse."

I freeze. The smell in the air HAD gotten stronger as we'd moved through the corridor. And here we were at the end of it. A door infront of us.

I look to Kokichi, as his trembling hand reaches for the knob. I notice my own hands trembling, but his poker face was much more believable than mine.

Kokichi POV:

With a deep breath, I swing open the door. Kaito's got his eyes shut, but I see it all.Greeted with an even stronger smell of death, I put a hand to my mouth to stifle a scream.

Kaito squeezes my hand. "Are you okay?! Whats wrong?"

"Holy...f-fucking shit."
Is all I can manage to say.

Kaito opens his eyes and lets out a scream.


Infront of us are two bloody corpses. Each with their eyes ripped out, and a dagger in their hearts. But the scary part wasn't the state of the bodies, it was the fact that they looked exactly like us.

Kaito looks at me. "Guess you've got a good nose..."

I shrug. I look at my own dead body. Im not bothered by it much. It was Kaito's that stung. I never knew I could care so much about someone's death. It sent a surge of panic through me. Reminding me what could happen to us if we don't get out. What could happen to HIM.

Kaito points at his own dead body. I begrudgingly look over.

"Kokichi, look. My hand is closed. Im holding something!"

He walks over, and cautiously Unfolds the corpse's hand. He walks over to me with a key.

"Check yours. To be sure." He says.

I walk up to my corpse, and check its hands. Nothing. I then check its pockets. Bingo. Chest pocket. I pull out a card of sorts with an image of a key on it. So, a Keycard then?

I show it to Kaito who does one more glance over of the room.

" Lets get outta here." He says.

I nod quickly and we make our escape.

Once outside the basement, I turn to Kaito.

" We have two keys and a keycard. Lets start trying doors." I say.

Just as we start up the first flight of stairs, that annoyingly familiar voice came on the loud speakers.

"Hey there Kiddos! Your ex headmaster here, just wanted to pop in and see if you're actually progressing. I'm also here to issue a friendly reminder! You only have 5 days left you stupid children! Hurry up! Puhuhuhu!"

I look at Kaito who is staring at the monokuma shaped timer. He wasn't lying. 5:23:07:14.

"Im not giving up. I refuse to die here."
Kaito said suddenly.

I give him a playful shove. " Hey don't worry! we'll make it."

We have to.

Word count: 827 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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