Chapter 5: Stargazing

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Kaito pov:


My eyes flutter open and I jolt out of bed. I look around for Ouma, who is my first thought and concern seeing as I didn't make that sound.

Hes not here.

I run out of the room and downstairs to the first floor. I smell something amazing coming from a door beside me. I open it and theres Ouma, on the floor.

He looks up at me. "Moooorning sleepyhead!" He says playfully. "What was that bang Kokichi?" I ask. He pouts. "Not even a good morning first? I fell. And to think I made you breakfast."

Im in awe. He made me breakfast?

Kokichi pov:

"Is it poisoned?" Kaito asks me as i get up off of the floor.

I frown. "No spacedick! Now go eat!"

He reluctantly sits down at the table. I smile and sit across from him,bringing his plate of food.

He looks at it and looks at me. " Aren't you going to eat Kokichi?"

I falter for a moment then smirk. "Had some already! You took soooooo long that I had to eat without you!"

I pour myself some water. Kaito eats his food.

(Time skip brought to you by author-chan's inability to have a creative mindset)

Kaito pov:

Kokichi and I split up to explore the house.  He went to the third floor and I went to the fourth.

As I ascended the stairs,I eyed the Timer. It was huge, and it faced the room we came out of. It also had a hige Monokuma statue that was sculpted to look like it was holding the timer.

I looked at the numbers. 13:18:23:14.
Days,hours,minutes, seconds. Thats how long we had.

I explored the fourth floor finding little to nothing. (Well, nothing we could use at the present moment.)

On the fourth floor, there are 5 rooms. Two on each side and one at the end of the hall.

I looked through the first room. Or tried to. The door was locked. So was the second, and third. I got to the fourth door, and it was unlocked!

I opened it slowly and....

Way to get my hopes up.

Behind the door is a wall of bricks. Spraypainted onto them in black and white(how cliché Monokuma) were the words "break me".

I slam the door shut up frustration.

I walk up to the fifth door, which is also unlocked. I swing it open angrily. To my surprise, theres an actual room. But WOAH.

The Ceiling is Glass! We can break it and get out! I take a chair from the room and throw it at the ceiling.


What the fuck.

I look at the chair, now in 5 pieces, on the floor. Then up at the glass, unscratched.

I lay down on the floor in defeat.

Its night, and the stars are out.

The door opens.

Kokichi pov:

I heard a crash from the floor above, and when to go see what Kaito broke this time. I open the door to see the dimwit laying on the floor staring at the glass ceiling.

I can conclude from the broken chair next to him that the glass is bulletproof glass.

"Heya Dipshit! Whatcha doin?"

He turns his head to me. "Stargazing."

I flop down opposite him. Our bodies facing opposite ways, and our heads right next to eachother.

The silence is painfully awkward. Even for me.

"They're really pretty huh?" He says as if he was reading my mind.

"Yeah." I respond. "They are."

You don't have to be a psychic to guess where we both fell asleep that night.

(Sorry this chapter is so late guys!!)

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