Chapter 7: I have... feelings for you.

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The feeling was friendship, Kokichi assured himself.(IM SO SORRY AHHSHSH)

Kokichi lept out of bed and walked over to Kaito, who was still asleep. He shook The astronaut until He drowsily awoke.

"Ouma.. What do you want..?" He said,half asleep.

"Wakey Wakey dumbass!" Ouma said.

Kaito rolled his eyes and got up.

Kokichi collapsed on his own bed with an exasperated sigh.

"We only have a little less than a week and a half left, you know.."

Kaito POV:

I was taken aback by the tricksters sudden realist attitude.

He sounded so...dull.

Like he had only just now realised how stuck we are.

Or maybe..

Something else is on his mind.

Oh god, I hope not. As much as I hate to admit it, Kokichi's False positivity has been a real help in the mental stability spectrum since we were trapped here.

Its like his happiness was mine..



"Are you ok?"

He sits up.
"What do ya mean?"

I pause. "You just seem really... I don't know. Like somethings weighing you down."

He gives me a smile.
"Nahhh. Im ok. How about you and me go find a keyhole for that key you found hm?"

He gets up but loses his balance almost immediately, due to the wound on his leg from the day prior.

Kokichi POV:

I forgot I got hurt yesterday.
And I don't think me falling made it get any better.

Kaito rushes to help me up.
I wince at the pain, but I don't think he noticed.

"Kokichi... Theres obviously something going on." He says.


Come on Kokichi, think

"I just... Kinda feel bad for getting you killed is all. I dunno." I say, confident in my lie. Although, It was half true. But no one needs to know that.

His face becomes softer. "Hey. Don't feel bad. I honestly don't think I would rather be stuck with anyone else in here."

I feel my face heat up.
I think he sees it too.
And He realises what he said.
His face is red too.

We kinda sit there for awhile.
I break the silence.
"The key. Lets go find that keyhole Astrology nerd."

He gets up and smiles. " Yeah! Lets go!!"

What a mood swing.

We get out of bed and open the door. Infront of the door is a small box that is half white, and half black.

"Two guesses who this is from" I say sarcastically.

Kaito laughs and picks up the box.

He opens it. Inside is a key and a folded piece of paper. It reads;

Dear students,

This is the key to the shower room.
Because you are starting to smell.
The shower room is on the second floor, third door on the right.
Now clean yourselves you filthy heathens.

I love you for infinity (an oumota post- game fic)Where stories live. Discover now