Chapter 4: Gotta start somewhere

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Kokichi pov:

Kaito looked at down at me. " um so, what do we do?" He asks.

I look back at him."Well I was thinking we have a tea party." He looks at me confused and cocks his head.(COCKS Im so immature wtf)

I frown. " Im being sarcastic moron. We should start trying to find a way out of here obviously!"

His face goes a light pink. "I-I knew that!"

"Lets start by seeing how many floors this place has." I say.

Kaito's mood changes are scary. He immediately smiles and grabs my hand. I blush as He drags me to the staircase.

Kaito pov:

I look up at the big staircase. "Thats a lot of stairs..." I say.

Kokichi grins beside me and rips his hand out of my own. I blush. I didn't even realize I had grabbed it!

"Race ya!" He says before taking off up the stairs. "Hey no fair! Kokichi!!" I yell as I trample up the stairs after him, taking the competition far too seriously.

He beats me to the top and turns to see me panting right behind him. "Nishishi! Momota-kun is sooooo slow!" He says mockingly. I frown.

(Timeskip brought to you by my gender dysphoria)

Kaito pov:

Back on the second floor, we re-enter the hospital room and sit down on the beds.

"Alright Kokichi. So what do we know for sure?"

"Are you asking me to review or are you asking me cause your stupid ass forgot?"

I make a face. He laughs and begins to speak.

"Weeeell. We know for sure that there are 4 floors. Plus a locked basement. And we have two weeks to get out of here!" He says.

"Right." I reply. "But its late. Wanna get some sleep?"

Kokichi smiles mischievously. "Too tired to stay up late Astrology nerd?"

"I--" I tried to speak but was interrupted by Kokichi Tackling me.


He laughed. "Whaaat?"
He tured to face me and his face was inches from mine. His lips were so....


I snap out of it, blushing profusely. "I-I'm tired Ouma. Lets go to sleep."

He frowns. "Awwwwwee! Your no fun!"

I tuck myself into the uncomfortable hospital bed. "What ever you say Ouma-kun."

He starts humming. Im guessing to keep me awake, but its sort of...melodic. And just like that, I fall asleep to the sweet sound of Ouma's voice.

Kokichi pov:

I begin humming. I've been told my voice sounds like a rats ass tried to sing opera (PLEASE DONT ASK), so I try to agitate the fuck out of Kaito with it.

I lay down, still humming. I turn over to look at him. He's fallen asleep! My plan has backfired. Still,he looks so peaceful..

I smile genuinely for the first time in a while. Though its was a small smile, it was real.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. The adorable image embedded in my brain.

{Author chan here!! next chapter will be out within the week!!}

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