5. Undying loyalty

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"I have a proposal," I speak to my father who is scribbling notes down in his book.

"Well now go on, spit it out," he doesn't look up from his writing.

"I think we should let Ryanne out of her cell so she can give us back the tesseract." He looks up to think about it and simply answers with a no. "But father, I-"

"I will not let someone who's murdered our own free."

"I see. So why don't you just swing it then? Put her out of her misery."

"We will get it out of her soon, you shouldn't worry of it," he reasons. Is he talking about torture? He can't be serious. I nod my head and quickly exit his chambers. I look around to see if he's sent any of the guards to watch me. To my surprise there are none. I decide to make my way back to the dungeon to undo what I've done. I pass Thor in the halls as he walks to fathers chambers.

"Loki," he smiles."You look determined. Is something the matter?" I lick my lips before asking for his assistance on getting Ryanne out. "Torture?" he raises his eyebrows. "No no I'll speak to father about this," he almost opens his doors before I pull him off to the side.

"I already did, there's no reasoning with him," I sigh. He nods his head and starts thinking of a plan.

"Let's do get help," he suggests.


"Get help. Come on you love it," he smiles.

"I hate it. It's humiliating."

"We're doing it," he backs away. I look at him and sigh.

"We are not doing get help."


We did get help... I walk back down to Ryanne's cell and she looks at us confused.

"What's going on?" she says.

"We're getting you out of here. Come on now," I open the cell with the keys I took from the guard. She looks at both me and Thor with an eyebrow raised. "No time to judge, we have to move quickly."

"We'll take your secret pathway Loki. I don't want Heimdal to be involved with our escape," Thor says. I nod my head and we hurry to find a ship.

"There they are," someone from the guard yells. I pick them up by their neck and throw them against the wall. Ryanne stops to look at the guard and I look back and wave my hand for her to hurry up.

"Are you going to tell me what this is about," she says as we get on the ship. Thor shuts the doors and starts powering it on.

"They were going to torture you," I say with my voice low. "And then most likely execute you when they're done." She gets taken back and her eyes start to water.

"The sentiment," she lets out. "It's cute on you," she smiles weakly. 

"Don't get used to it," I smirk.

"Stop flirting you too and Loki, remind me where it is again." I take the steering wheel and direct us to our way out. It's a small opening in some rocks really that teleports you just like the Bifrost does. If it were easy, everyone would do it. 

   The ship makes it just through the opening and scrapes the sides during the process. We land somewhere deserted that I've never seen before. It's yellow all around and duney. "What is this place," he says. We all get out of the now destroyed spaceship.

"Well alright, let's just walk in a straight line and see where that takes us," I suggest playfully. The yellow seems to go on and on.

"It's gonna get dark soon," Thor looks to the sun that's setting. "We'll sleep in the ship, and right when the sun rises we'll leave." I run my fingers through my hair and accept Thor's plan to sleep.

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