15. Reindeer games

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"You really think you can fix him?" I over hear my brother ask Tony in a low voice.

"I'm offended that you asked that," he puts his hand over his chest as if he shot him with his words. Wanda sits by the robot who is laying on the table. It doesn't seem as though she wants to leave his side. It makes me ick seeing how much she cares for him. I couldn't relate considering how I've never felt that feeling before in my life. I sigh and then look around the room for company. I eye Ryanne out on the open balcony who looks out into the water. I clear my throat as soon as I step outside. She turns around to see me and rolls her eyes.

"I see we're not running away," I smirk.

"You guys will just follow me. I can never catch break," she shakes her head. I walk closer and stand by her side. I lick my lips looking at her then focus my attention on the water as she's doing. She looks like she has nothing left, nothing to fight for.

"What happened with you, I know it was a lot," I begin. "You and I are a lot alike, you know?" I try to be friendly.

"Can you just stop," she breaks her gaze from the water and looks at me.

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Stop pretending that you know what I'm going through. Because quite frankly, you and I are nothing of the same."

"We both clearly have trust issues. We both lost someone close to us. We both despise Odin. Shall I go on?"

"Have you ever been lied to your whole life? As in, have you recently discovered your true parent hood?" she stops before she continues. "Didn't think so," she looks off again. I shake my head and laugh.

"Yes, actually." She squints her eyes and tilts her head. "Only a handful of people know this, but Odin is not my real father," I pause. "Believe it or not, but I'm a frost giant," I swallow hard. She smiles.

"And why am I just know hearing about this?" she crosses her arms.

"You think I'm lying?"

"No, of course not," she shakes her head and sighs. "How long have you known?" her tone changes from annoyed to concerned.

"A couple years now. When I found out, I was angry to say the least for being lied to my whole life," I turn around to look at my brother. "Odin has always favored Thor every since we were children. I never did anything about it because I didn't feel as though I needed to. I believed that we were both equally his sons. When I found out the truth, I snapped. I was ashamed of the idea that all these years he saw me as some kind of monster. It made sense then for him to favor Thor. So I wanted to prove to him that I wasn't... a monster. That I was a worthy Asgaurdian. I destroyed my birth planet, or I tried, but that didn't change anything."

"Yea, I heard about that. The son of Odin destroying the bifrost," she teases. Out of everything that I said, that can't possibly be what she got form it. "So who's your real father. Some nobody frost giant?"

"Laufey," I let out.

"The king of Jotunheim?" she raises her eyebrows. I bring my lips in and nod. "Wow," she looks off again. "The son of two kings. What are the odds?"

"You think I'm lucky? My birth father casted me out to die on a rock when I was just a baby and Odin might as well have done the same. The only person I ever truly cared about is gone." She looks at me with her eyes wide, regretting what she said.

"I had no idea, I thought that... well, never mind what I thought. I'm sorry for assuming that you were a mentally stable person." She brings me to smile and I look at the ground, shaking my head. I bring my head back up and smirk.

"What about you?" She raises her eyebrows not knowing to what I'm referring to. "What new parent hood did you discover?"

"Oh it's nothing," she chuckles.

"But you said-"

"It's not important Loki," she cuts me off and smiles. My smile fades and I gulp. "Can you believe it?" she changes the topic. "We're finally going to sleep comfortably tonight. I'll have my own mattress and fluffed up pillow. It's gonna be great."

"I hope you enjoy it," I say wanting to leave this conversation. I start heading back inside.

"Loki," she makes me stop with my back facing her. "Thank you for sharing your story. I think I really needed to hear it." I look to the side not wanting to turn my whole body. I sigh before walking through the doors. It's nothing really. I just didn't want her to get the wrong idea that I'm something I'm not.

"How's it coming with the robot?" I ask Thor.

"It's taking a while because Tony has to restore the memory file that was corrupted due to the stone being taken out." I bite my lip still not knowing what they wanted from us.

"Did anything happen while I was unconsious? Why were we there and who were they?"

"I don't know brother. Maybe Tony could help us out with that. I won't bother him with questions though, not until the Vision problem is solved."

I look around the room and notice the mind stone. It could be used for better things, such as the scepter for example. Not a bloody robot.

"The girl out there," Tony speaks from across the room. "Is she the one who took your ship," he smirks. Thor eyes Ryanne then looks at his feet without saying a word. "Silence speaks greater than words I see. I'm guessing I should prepare 3 rooms instead of 2."

"Four," I say.

"Who said you could stay here Reindeer Games? You're not getting off for New York so easily."

"Let's not go there," Thor raises a hand. "Sokovia..." he brings up. Tony stunned, doesn't say a word. Instead he recalibrates the holograms in the air.

"Down the hall on your left," he says with a low voice. I shake my head and deride.

I start in the direction he directed me to and turn to a room with an averagely sized bed. Bigger than what I've slept on in Midgard so far, but nothing compared to Asgard. My first thoughts are Ryanne's reactions. She must have never had a true good nights rest. Ever since I met her, she made me see that I've taken things for granted, the services that the maid and chef provide at the palace.

As soon as I realize that I'm thinking of her, I snap myself out of it. I see the bed again then scratch my head. I don't know what that was about. I sit on the bed and take a deep breath. I look at the pillows and can't help myself but feel it's texture. I smile. Just as how she described it would be. I switch from my Midgaurdian clothes to a white t-shirt and grey joggers.

"Uh-. I can see this room is taken, sorry about that," Ryanne says by the door. She eyes me with the pillow on my lap. "You can continue whatever you were doing," she furrows her brows.

"I-, wait," I try to stop her but she goes back into the hall. I can hear her snickering. I slam the door shut with magic then look back at the pillow. I take it off of me immediately and shake the idea from my head.

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