23. First mission

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Ryanne's POV

   "Red Hots."

   "What's up Tony," I put my book down and sit up straight.

   "I have a mission for you. Wait," he steps back. "You might not be able to handle it. I'll just do it myself."

   "Stop teasing me. What is it?"

   He inhales and lets out a sigh. "Remember Ross?"

   I swallow hard at that name. He kidnapped and sedated me doing who knows what while I was out. "He's dead," I look in his brown eyes. 

   "Not necessarily. Yea he got shot, but they patched him up real good so he's still breathing." My eyes widen and I stand up. "He doesn't know that we know he's Hydra. We have nothing on him for the moment. We found out that there's this meeting that he's going to," he pulls out his i pad with the location and hands it to me. "You think you can go undercover and record some sort of evidence that'll take him down." I don't know what to say. This seems like a lot. 

   "He'll remember me. He knows what I looks like."

   "Nothing a little makeover can't fix. I booked plane tickets and a hotel room for you because he's staying in Houston for a couple days. I don't know how long it'll take you. The morning you arrive I'll have a hair and makeup stylist at your door. What do you say? Think you're up for it?" 

   "Geez Tony, I don't know. I can't do this all by myself."

   "Fine, you can bring Loki."

   "I-. I wasn't going to say Loki," I furrow my brows and a smile creeps on my face.

   "Sure you weren't. Is it yes?"

   I look at the I pad with the coordinates and gulp. "Sure. Why not?"

   "Great. You can keep that since I'm guessing you don't have a phone." I bite my lip in silence and he nods his head accepting I don't have one. "Your flight is at 6. There's no jet because I don't want to draw in any attention. I did get you first class though." I nod my head. "Don't let me down Ryanne," he says before leaving. 

   He called me by my name. How sweet of him.


   I bite the inside of my cheek as I approach Loki's room. I knock three times and wait for him to open up. 

   "Ryanne? Is something troubling you," he looks down the hall and then back at me with his eyes squinted. 

   "No," I smile. "Tony gave me my first mission."

   "Am I supposed to applaud for you?"

   "I was wondering if you wanted to come."

   He takes a second to think about. "No," he answers simply.

   "Oh come on. It'll be fun."

   "I'm not going on some Avengers rendezvous with you."

   "I think you'll want to if I told you who it is we're spying on." Now he's intrigued. I caught his attention. "It's Ross," I whisper then drop my jaw in a sarcastic shock. 

   "I thought Wanda put a bullet in his chest."

   "Apparently he survived. So are you in?"

   "What do we have to do?" he sighs. I smile widely and lick my lips. 

   "Tony said we are to go undercover and gather anything we can to prove that he's an agent of Hydra."

   "This sounds boring already. And then when we're done we get to kill him?" he says seriously. 

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