6. Alessia

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"You must be Loki," a man with a turban says to me.

"Yes, and who are you?"

He laughs and pats my shoulder. "I'm the one who's allowing you to sleep with a roof over your head." My eyes widen and apologize immediately. I didn't mean to be rude I'm just quite hungry. "You must be hungry," he reads my mind. I smile and he directs me somewhere I'm hoping has food. I enter the house to see Thor and Ryanne at the table laughing and eating with a woman and her child.

"Brother you made it," he says with food in his mouth. Has he not his manners. I awkwardly laugh and accept his hug.

"This is my wife and son," the man says to me. I give them a quick smile and they return the gesture. "Please sit." I do as the man says and reach for a piece of bread. I take a bite and nod my head as I chew. It has an interesting texture and taste. I don't know if I love it but I surly don't hate it. I'm too hungry to not eat what's in front of me. "So please tell us. Where did you all come from?" he begins. I almost choke on the bread and look to Thor so he could answer the man.

"We come from a place called Asgard. You wouldn't know of it, its quite far," he says. The three of us continually give each other looks. "Do you mind telling us where we are exactly?"

"This is Egypt," the kid speaks. "I like your hair," he looks to me. I give him a forced smile and look away. Children, I scoff.

"You can stay for as long as you want." We all look to the man.

"Thank you, we appreciate it greatly. And I can assure you we won't trouble you for too long," my brother thanks the kind man. "What was your name again?"

"I'm Fariq and this is Lubna," he looks to his wife.

"Fariq, I like it," he says.

"I'm Thabit!" the kid intrudes with his loud voice. I roll my eyes discreetly.

"I have a daughter as well. She should be joining as soon."


"Thank you," I get up from my seat. "I am largely in your debt," I say before leaving to get a better look at this place. As soon as I step out I bump into a girl. I step back to get a better look of her. Her eyes are grey and her hair, wavy and dark brunette. She smiles before stepping into where I had just exited. I can't help myself but return back inside.

"Hello Baba," she kisses Fariq on the cheek.

"This is my daughter," he looks to us. "Alessia." I smile and offer my hand for her to shake. She looks to her father and then smiles while taking my hand. She shakes it for a second and then lets go to sit at the table. I pull out my chair across from her and sit again completely forgetting how I wanted to see this place more for myself. They all continue their conversations but the girl doesn't say a word. I often glance at her certain times and she catches me in the act and blushes. I can't seem to help myself. I clearly have an effect on her as well.

"Loki, can you pass me the olives," Ryanne brings me back to reality. I shake my head to gather my thoughts and pass her the small bowl. She furrows her eyebrows and I look away ignoring her curiosity at what I was thinking about. We all seem finished with our food and so Fariq's wife grabs the dishes and heads to the kitchen. Her daughter stands up and does the same. People doing their own things, cooking, cleaning, I find it quite fascinating. We've always had chefs and maids to do those kinds of things for us.

"Loki can I speak to you outside," Thor says. I nod my head and smile at our host before walking out. "No," he starts. I bring my head back and raise my eyebrows. "I see the way you look at his daughter," he lowers his voice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I amuse myself.

"If you do anything stupid, this kind man could kick us out of his home."

"You have nothing to worry about brother," I pat his chest and give a smile before stepping back inside. "Anything I can help with?" I make an attempt to look useful.

"Uhhh," Fariq puts both hands behind his head. "No, I can't think of anything for the moment."

"Well then, I'd love to look around this place more if you don't mind," I say.

"Please be my guest. If a tour would be better for you, Alessia can show you around." My eyes widen and I look to her and lick my lips. She looks up from the sink and widens her eyes as well.

"I would love that," I smirk. She puts down her rag and walks over to the door. She leaves and I look to Thor before winking quickly. Once we're out I begin my long awaited conversation with her. "I haven't heard a single word from you," I turn to her and she stops in her tracks. She shakes her head and sighs.

"You don't know who I am?" she squints her eyes. I furrow my forehead in confusion. "So much for that ride," she says and continues walking. I finally recognize her voice and quickly catch up with her.

"Alice?" I question. She nods her head with her eyebrows raised.

"But your father said your name was Alessia."

"Alice is my nickname." I am unfamiliar with what a nickname is. Wow, I say to myself. I had no idea. I never really paid attention to her eyes when she picked me up in her horse. And her hair and face were mostly covered.

"How do you know of me and not your father?" I remember her saying she knew me from New York.

"I watch the news. Not here of course. I travel a lot," I smile from listening to her heavy accent again. This has all been a change and I'm not complaining. "You and the girl?"


"Are you and the other girl together," she repeats herself. I laugh and shake my head.

"Me and Ryanne? No," I laugh again. "Definitely not." She raises an eyebrow and looks away.

"What did you want to see?" I don't even care about viewing this place any more to be honest.

"Show me a secret place where you escape from reality to feel at mind." Those are my favorite places.

"Now if I told you where it was, it would not be secret anymore." I bite my lip and smile. "This is where our leader stays," she says. I look up to see a relatively nice house. It's bigger than the rest and it's polished white with interesting colorful designs around the columns. "And this is where we get our water," she stands by a stone built well. "And over there," she points due east, "Is where the cities are." I nod my head and lick my lips. She looks at me and squints her eyes again trying to hide her beauty. It makes me smile and she rolls her eyes. "We should start getting back now," she turns and without thinking I grab her hand. She looks back at me and then her hand and then back at me. "Loki, what are you doing?" I look at my hand that's still holding hers.

"Sorry about that," I let go. "You're just very beautiful," I let out. This so isn't like me. She sighs and starts walking away. "Where are you going?" I say as I try to catch up.

"I don't do this sort of thing."

"What thing?"

"What you are doing right now. It's not my style."

"You've never been with anyone?" I ask. She stops walking and turns to me. She takes a gulp while giving me eye contact. She looks at her feet and shakes her head. I'm even more intrigued now. How could someone so beautiful not have suitors for her at the door. I place my hand her under chin to bring her eyes back on mine. "Oh my pet," I smirk. "This isn't my style either," I bite my lip. It's true, I've never been so forward with anyone. I don't know how long I'll be staying here so I must not waste any time. She looks around as if she's making sure of her surrounding.

"We can't," she lets go and hurries her pace leaving me by the well. What does she mean she can't?

A/N: Face claim and style for Alice, Octavia Blake. I know the picture isn't her but yea

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